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The Mack Truck Teachers Lounge 5-9-2018


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Good morning, all!

Ever have those days when you feel like you've been hit by a Mack Truck and it's only the beginning of the day?
Thankfully, I DON'T feel like that at the moment but it was the title that came in mind today for the Lounge. I think
I feel more like an F150 hit me, going 5 - 10mph - just enough to let me know I was touched but not flattened! LOL

How are you feeling today? Here: above and also, I think, still recovering from last week! Great week but really challenging!

What's on schedule today? Here: did ds's snack biz with him this morning, now we're going to to watch an episode of "Chuck" on Prime, a call
to the lawyer, then a bit of school work before we head to the gym. I may need a nap sometime today!

What's for breakfast? Here: I finished my coffee and now on to the honeybun. Later I will eat something more healthy. 

Talk to me! :bigear:

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I definitely have those days.   Quite often this time of year or early Fall because that's when my allergies tend to hit me hard.  Grass and pollen are up around here so I'm having lots of fun with that.  Thankfully, it's already hot enough to have the AC on and that helps quite a bit.  I had to yell at dh a couple times for opening up the window in the bedroom that is right next to my pillow.   It's not good me to be breathing in pollen all night long.

Today I only had one class which was mainly playing a game.   Tomorrow and Friday I have the last meeting for 3 classes, then 3 on Monday and 1 next Wednesday and I'm done for this year.  I'm looking for my own space for September, so we're starting to look at properties.  I have one, maybe 2, appointments for this afternoon.

I had a cheese omelette and tea for breakfast.

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Like every day right now!  Maybe not quite a Mack truck but definitely a light rigid ?

I'm a little sore and stiff today.  I decided to follow my flylady routine and not worry about times and schedules because I'm so over the mess.  Kids also got a lecture about helping out more and complaining about school work less yesterday so hopefully that helps.  Not sure what's with the attitudes at the moment.  Probably we are all just a bit overloaded.  And maybe me rubbing off on them.

Today we just have TKD.  Might even go easy and skip for this one.  

Breakfast... I actually haven't eaten yet as I just feel a bit off colour this morning but I reckon it will be muesli.

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I got hit by a truck, but it's the sick truck. House selling stuff means I have to keep moving though, so I am sluggling along. I'm trying out an Instant Pot today for the first time, hopefully I didn't add too much complications to a already tenuous day.


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DS and I did our workout today. He wants to do 3 days a week but I told him a bit ago that we'd start with 2 days a week, otherwise
we'll be in too much of a fog to get school work done. He agreed.

Taking a short break to have a snack then I get to go back out and get feminine supplies for my daughter . . . who forgot to tell me she needed them
until we got back from running errands. ;-/

I'm hoping she can survive a few hours because if I go back out again, I want to hole up with my computer somewhere cool and focus on what *I* need to focus on for a bit!

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