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How to hold a moving sale?


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Our house is under contract, hopefully the sale will close and we will be out by the end of May. We will be keeping some stuff, but the majority needs to go. Furniture, too-small-clothes, toys, dishes, decorations, etc. So, as I start to prep for the moving sale, does anyone have advice that's been through this before? A few questions as I start to think of logistics:

1. Large furniture that will need to be taken apart to get out of the room/house: leave together so people see what it looks like, then schedule time after sale hours to take apart? Or just have everything ready to take away?

2. Price tags on everything, or just signs "servingware $2, fine glass $1" etc next to the things being sold? For (set of bookends, example), price tag or create "$5 table". And if table, how can I remember which things came from the $5 or $10 table?

2a. Group things together or single items? "8 plates for $5"  or "Plates $1 each". 

3. How do I gauge prices on this stuff? I want it to go, but I don't want to be missing out on money people would reasonably pay. Will this require yard sale shopping for comparison? Please tell me there's a better way, lol. 

Thank you!! 

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Thank you! Yes, we'll let people walk through the whole house, everything we want to keep is already out so that's not a problem. The price sign method you laid out sounds good.

Re pricing at what I'm good with: Since I have a bit of time and place to move the furniture, I COULD hold onto it and try to sell for more on craigslist, etc., if I didn't get the amount I wanted for stuff, but that sounds like a lot of hassle and then either the time to figure out how to fit in our cars, or rent a van, eh, not worth. Thanks, I'll keep it in mind. Really, I should look at it like any money I make is positive compared to having to drive everything to either a charity or dump. I just have no idea what used bed frames go for. $10? $100? I guess time to go lurk on craigslist and classified sections :)

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We took pictures of large furniture and posted on fb to sell those specifically. 


Group together as much as possible. And I didn't price each little thing. Just bigger things. 


I have only priced low to sell everything each time we move. 


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This doesn't have to do with pricing, but don't hold anything for anybody. That can get so complicated, and then sometimes the person who asks you to hold never shows back up. So whoever pays, gets it. (Of course, there can be extenuating circumstances, but it's a pretty good rule to stay strong on.)

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We're going to be doing this a year from now, so I'm listening!  As of now, I think I'll keep all furniture up and let people come and walk through our house to look.  They can pay on the spot if they want it and arrange to pick it up within a week.  I'll probably combine dishes to sell in sets.  (If I have random "singles" I won't bother to sell-- will just give away to a thrift store.)  I'll put all books out in one area and charge a set price for hardcover and a set price for paperback.  I'll probably have a long table with random nice quality knick-knacks.  (book ends, vases, etc.)  Most of our knick knacks though aren't worth the effort to sell, and I'll just give away.  We'll keep large garage items in the garage with prices on them.  I'm not sure what I'll do with all the tools...  we have so many...   

I have a good friend who is the queen of garage and estate sales, so I figure I'll ask her to walk through the house and help me price things.

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A lot will depend on the norm in your area.

I live in a semi-rural area, and moving sales don't do as well. Garage sales aren't that great either because people don't want to drive to a single sale. Closer to town in the developments with houses closer together, the sales do much better.

I didn't have much furniture to sell, but what did have to go went to an auction house or was consigned. The auction company I'm using does on-site auctions, and that would be an option if I had more furniture. He said that he has to have at least three rooms of decent furniture and will do lots of household items to do that.

I've been selling the rest bit-by-bit on Facebook groups and have done very well with that. It's more work in some ways, but our local police department has a monitored pickup area at the police station for that sort of thing, and I just coordinate to meet them there. I take only cash.

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