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Negotiating teacher salary?


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I know we've got some teachers on this board - maybe someone can help me out. I'm a private school teacher, but I recently got a job offer at a public school in a GREAT area. The job would require a move that my DH and I are completely willing to do, but it would require him to quit his job (as the breadwinner) and look for work. The job itself is no great loss, because he doesn't really enjoy it, but the money is hard to give up. We could make things work for a few months (say, 6 months) if we have to dip into our savings a little, but we wouldn't want to have to quickly drain the savings that we've worked 10 years to build up. 

I'm so conflicted, sigh. The salary the school offered me is not too bad as far as teaching salaries in this state go, but it's just not enough that I'd feel comfortable moving and having DH quit his job. We've been really poor before, and it was extremely stressful. On the other hand, his current job is often extremely stressful, too. I know he'd find another job... eventually... but it's the interim that's scary. Rent, food, student loans, etc. all add up really fast.

Is it possible to negotiate a public school teacher salary? Most of what I read online says "no." The school placed me correctly on the salary schedule, and it's more than what I earn now in private school by a few thousand dollars, but it's just not enough. My head is going in circles!

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Nope.  Wherever you fall on that teacher salary scale, there you are.  The end.


HOWEVER, there may be opportunities to after school tutor, teach summer school, coach something after school, etc.....and that would possibly get you more $$.  It just depends on where it is.  In NC, the chances for extra income are slim, in CA, they were plentiful.

I would not move unless your DH had a job.  A teaching job isn't worth it.  

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