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American Revolution books that more Wholesome?


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My 9-year-old daughter started reading a book called My Brother Sam is Dead. She reads so quickly that I can't keep up with her. I was told that this book was a good choice for her. Big mistake! She was about 1/3 of the way done and told me that she didn't want to continue. She said it had too much arguing and violence. I looked it over that night and BOY was she right! The language is not appropriate....I know war is not pretty; however, does anybody have any suggestions? I would like her to get a good feel for the war...but not with bad language and too much violence. It might help to know that she is an advanced reader. She usually reads books at the 8th grade level. Thanks in advance.

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I don't pre-read everything my dd reads either, but I chose from sources that I trust: VP catalog, TQ history lists, etc. Anything old is usually fine. My dd is the same age as yours and really enjoys the COFA's, even if they are simple reading. The We Were There and Landmark books are good too. We're just starting back into american, so I don't know what will prove to be her favorites now. Check the VP catalog though, as they'll have more challenging but clean options.

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I'm intrigued by your post. When I was studying to be an elementary teacher, my Children's Lit teacher compared and contrasted Johnny Tremain with My Brother Sam is Dead. He said there was an interesting trend, toward more realistic portrayal of war in children's books. This was a little more than 25 years ago. Boy, we've come a long way with children's realistic fiction.

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The American Girl Felicity books are from that time period, and there are some christian fiction books from that time period that my kids loved...we haven't read all of these, but my son loved the Guns of Thunder series, and my 9dd loves the Dear America and Sisters in Time series. They've read several of the following and loved them:


Annie Henry Adventures in American Revolution


Crimson Cross Series


Young Patriots Series

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I didn't find any of the Core 3 books inappropriate for the age. Looking at the list, I see the following that would work for the Revolutionary War.


Toliver's Secret

Can't You Make Them Behave, King George?

And Then What Happened, Paul Revere?

Winter at Valley Forge

Phoebe the Spy

Meet George Washington

Mr. Revere and I

Johnny Tremain

Ben Franklin of Old Philadelphia

George Washington (CFA)

Martha Washington (CFA)


My DD is a very strong reader, too, but I don't pick books just based on the reading level. Subject matter may be too intense for her age. There's nothing wrong with getting some books at a lower reading level.

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Mr. Revere and I


Ben and Me


George Washington's Socks


We loved these ones! It's been a while, but I don't recall any violence or inappropriate language. When I look these up on Amazon, it looks likes the authors both wrote several other historical fiction books (not in a series, but just other titles). I haven't read them, but perhaps they are OK too.


HTH and GL! - Stacey in MA

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BY "realistic" they usually mean more gory and depressing. My Brother Sam is Dead certainly fits. I didn't give it to dc.


Books we did like (in addition to the ones from other posters) included:


Little Maid of Vermont ( and the other Little Maid books)

Ethan Allen (There's a Signature and a Landmark about him that are OK.)

Landmark has several others also: Ben Franklin, George Washington, Valley Forge, Dolly Madison, etc


These are older books, written before the "realistic" trend started.

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For girls, I love the:


Little Maid series by Alice Curtis Turner



I found most of the reprints by Applewood Press several years ago in a discount homeschool booth at our state conference. I think they've gone out of print again though, but I've completed my collection through ABE and Amazon marketplace. I just googled and found them here also:



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