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Spanish Curriculum Reccomendations


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This is for a 5th grader, with 2 years of LFC (we are still continuing with Latin). He also knows quite a bit of Spanish vocab from Muzzy.


I need something that is easy to implement, somewhat "fun." It can not be teacher-intensive.


I've been leaning towards Rosetta Stone for the next two years (5th & 6th), and then moving towards a more "formal" Spanish program for middle school, early high school.


I am wondering if there are other options I'm not aware of, which might fit our "bill" so-to-speak. The program can be passed on to the younger children later on as well (well, except for consumable products).


Thank you.

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Because you do LFC, I would also recommend looking at SFC. We are doing both LFC A and SFC this year. I have to say that LFC is a lot more fun--maybe when they get the DVD for SFC out that will improve. SFC also has some errors because it is brand new. But one big advantage is that it is structured the same as LFC which will help it seem familiar. I really notice it as we do them side by side--lesson topics will be similar, the structure of what we do each day is the same, often the same lesson number in each will have some of the same vocabulary and it is interesting to see how close Spanish is to Latin and how it differs. It has not been confusing to my girls to do both languages at the same time. But they do prefer the Latin all because of the DVD (and especially How The West Was Unus at the end of some lessons).

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I am wanting something to be a bit more "fun" -- not too much bookwork. He's got a pretty intense curriculum already, so I guess I was hoping for something that would be interatctive, effective, that I could monitor, but wouldn't be repeating the vocabulary like we do in LFC (which, frankly, I find extremely tedious already... but we're committed to the LFC program for the foreseeable future -- as the two who are currently "auditing" the course will do the course from the beginning in 2 years, with the book work).

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We will be using El Español Fácil (The Easy Spanish) next year. It has an independent learner track and a more teacher intensive track (or you can combine the two.) I can't really recommend it, as I haven't used it. I do have The Easy French, Jr. (for younger children.) I really like the program and am looking forward to using the Spanish next year. I'm hoping they will add a level 2 before we finish level 1! I'll link the samples page.



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Ugh. I think this is a difficult place for many of us homeschoolers. If a family has completed one of the typical K-4th grade programs, there is very little offered at the 5th-6th grade level. Here is a website with reviews of the various Spanish programs; maybe something will help you: http://www.redshift.com/~bonajo/spanishcurriculum.htm.


Personally, we used a lot of Spanish workbooks at the 5th and 6th grade level and are now using Rosetta Stone through 7th and 8th grade. I only chose RS because I already owned it and because my daughter already took a great Spanish grammar class. Still, I am adding in supplemental activities and materials.



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Anyone here have any dealings with Elementary Spanish (DVD, Dish Network/United Streaming)? It sounds interesting, and there is a middle school course as well for 7th-8th -- which would be equal to one high school year of Spanish?


It sounds interesting, but I haven't seen it.

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