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Surprised by rejection from University of Rochester


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Note to self - encourage son to say in interviews "All the other schools I applied to are lame.  Truly nothing compared to this bastion of higher learning".  :lol:


:lol:  But then they'll think your kid is too negative, and they don't want negative people. 


Realistically, probably something like "I liked the other schools, but I like this school better, if we can afford it".


That said, I don't know - I could be completely wrong.

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:lol:  But then they'll think your kid is too negative, and they don't want negative people. 


Realistically, probably something like "I liked the other schools, but I like this school better, if we can afford it".


That said, I don't know - I could be completely wrong.


LOL - it's hard to even know what to say!  So weird!  Maybe "my parents made me apply to some inferior cheaper schools but I really hope the finances and admissions work out so I can attend this fine institution.  Here, have some chocolate!"???      I think my kid might get sick of my sense of humor by the end of this process!   :lol:

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When ds was in a panel interview for a competitive scholarship at a Big State U, he was directly asked: "What will you decide if you receive this scholarship and also get into Princeton?" Somewhere along the way he had been asked where else he was applying. I can't recall if it was in the application for the scholarship or if he had been asked earlier during the same interview. Anyway, they knew, His reply? "I'm not making any decisions until I know all of my options. Certainly, financial considerations will play a large part in my decision-making process." Something like that. Thankfully, they asked about P'ton and not Stanford. ;) Not sure he could have pulled off that answer as sincerely. At our own state flagship's fellowship interviews, he was asked something along the same lines - about staying in-state v. attending an elite private. There, I had coached him to talk about how his dad and both grandfathers were alums.


It's important to anticipate and prepare for hard questions.


ETA: He had visited the OOS public twice. Done a trial piano lesson there. He was also asked what he had down the day before the interview, which was early in the morning. He was able to truthfully say going to the piano lesson, attending a class, and having lunch with a friend from our hometown. So, he had shown (and did have) interest.

Edited by Hoggirl
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My dd lost out on a major scholarship at an in-state university because her lack of interest was obvious. She bombed the interview for several reasons - but also because when they asked the "why do you love the idea of going here?" types of questions, she wasn't able to disguise the fact that she really didn't want to go there, but rather, was at the interview because her mama wanted to her have a safety. :lol:  The scholarship went to someone with significantly less "credentials" than dd, but who was overjoyed to attend that university.


When we got dds scholarship from that university, we just busted out laughing. It was sooooo piddly. So tiny. They really, really didn't get the feel that she wanted to be there. Oh dear, it was bad. lol


DD2 may apply for this same scholarship at this same university, and it will be a 180-degree difference in interest because, for her, this school truly offers many of the things she is looking for (in her "Plan B" scenario... but they don't have to know that... :001_tt2: )

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Except if they're really positive you plan to go there no matter what, they're like, hmm, don't need to offer this guy the scholarship . . . 


My daughter made it clear that finances were a major consideration when making the final decision, which was absolutely 100% true. No need to hold back any information there :-)

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