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Juicing-Can It Be Done Cheaply??

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I know there have been juicing topics on here before, but I'm too lazy to search & I want my answer right now!:D


We have a juicer, and while I love it and think it's great for all of us, we have stopped because it seems so expensive. It seems to take so much fruit to get just a few small glasses. :sad:


We aren't set on any specific type of juice, just healthy (and good tasting, especially for the kids). Any recommendations?


Right now, I'm just doing smoothies with frozen fruit and adding spinach and flax seed, yogurt and soy milk.


Any thoughts/help would be great.

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Can you make bread, muffins and soup out of the pulp. When I juice I do this. Throw any veggie pulp into a pot and make soup or put your fruit pulp into batter and make muffins, breads or pancakes. That way you are using the whole piece of food instead of throwing it away. You can also hide the veggie pulp in spagatti sauce, just make sure the pulp gets cooked well.

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I go through phases with it. I do think it is expensive and a bit of a waste- unless you somehow use the pulp- and I don't think that much fruit is so good for you juiced- too much sugar. Unless your kids won't eat fruit, I guess, but I think a couple of pieces of fruit a day are better for you than juice. I find juicing valuable when cleansing, when wanting to concentrate on my health for a bit, some concentrated vitamins and minerals when I have a cold or am feeling run down or just when we haven't been eating enough vegetables- and then I use green vegetables, beetroot, carrot and lemon. Sometimes apple if I am trying to tempt the kids.

But yes, it is expensive. I buy the big bags of juicing carrots, and whatever else is cheap.

I have found an Italian deli though which sells 2nds fruit and vegies and even though its a bit of a drive I am making the effort every week or two, because the supermarket stuff is so expensive now.


At the moment I am doing green smoothies and the kids love them.

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Juice apples when they come in, juice watermelons when they are in, etc. If you can go straight to a farm and buy large quantities, that would help. You aren't going to be able to make much inexpensive juice if you are paying retail. I avoid retail as often as possible for everything in my life!


And of course, the most nutritious juice would be from produce that you grew yourself, or picked wild.


I do agree that green smoothies are highly nutritious and less expensive, and I also agree that one shouldn't over do the fruit juicing, and juice as much green things as possible, instead.



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Juicing is on my mind today, too! We have an old Champion but our new Breville is on the FedEx truck to be delivered today! :) We usually save by buying the large bags of big juicing carrots and they last quite a while. Enough for our family of 5 for 2-3 weeks at least for $19.00, if you add a celery stalk or two and a few ugly apples from the farmer's market. An even cheaper juice is a recipe I saw Martha Stewart do on her show. It is a delicious green drink made with: 1/2 apple, 1/2 pear, a thin slice of papaya (or what is is season), 1/2 cucumber, a handful of parsley, a handful of spinach, and a tiny snip of ginger. Makes enough for us all to have some, and is much cheaper than straight carrot. Perhaps google juicing recipes and look for ones with 'cheaper' sounding ingredients. Fruits are probably the most expensive, so use them sparingly for sweetening. Happy juicing~


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