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Dr. Hive - pulled muscle in back - Help!

Night Elf

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DH and I lifted a tv, walked it out of the house and put it into the car to take to the recycling facility. I knew I hurt my back while we were walking it out. I could feel the strain in my very lower back. I didn't get out of the car until we got to the grocery store and it hurt to move, but not a great deal. Then in the store, I was reaching down to the bottom shelf and couldn't reach. It hurt to bend over. By the time I left the store and got into the car, I was in a lot of pain.


I came home, took ibuprofen and have a heating pad on my back. I'm sitting up rather than reclining because that is what my chiropractor told me to do when I hurt my hip/back area a couple of months ago. I did not twist my body while holding the tv. It hurts on both sides.


What else can I do to mend it? I can take it easy until Monday afternoon when I have to take ds to the doctor.


Is heat right? It really feels good. Do I ice it? Do I try to sit still or get up and walk it out every so often? 


Right now I don't feel I can move. Even readjusting myself sitting down hurts.

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I've been told ice, not heat, even though heat might feel good, for the first 24-48 hours after injury.  Something about the cold helps to reduce inflammation and promote healing.  20 minutes on/20 off.  

I'm sorry you're hurting.


Found this link:  http://blog.gameready.com/blog/bid/355550/heat-or-cold-which-is-best-for-back-strain-treatment

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Ok, I'm icing 20 minutes on and off for a while. I can't believe I did this. I might lay on the floor in a little while. I can't move yet. It hurts too much and the idea of getting down on the floor is extremely scary. I have a yoga mat and I can lay a quilt on top of it and it would still be harder than my bed.

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