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Need Gift Idea for Newspaper Carrier

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My newspaper carrier throws me two extra papers at no charge because she knows I use the coupons. This allows me to save so much more money which I really appreciate. I'd like to give her a small gift to save thank you. I don't have a lot to spend and need ideas.


Last year, I gave her a gift card to a local grocery store, thinking anyone could use that. Wouldn't want to chose a gift card to someplace she's not interested in.


I was thinking of putting together a Thanksgiving box...you know a turkey, bag of potatoes, couple boxes of stuffing, couple cans of corn, couple cans of green beans, etc. Do you think that would be well received?


My thought behind that idea isthat I could put it together by Sunday when she comes and get $40 or more worth of food vs. a $25 gift card. So more value and it's something nearly everyone will be needing in a couple of weeks.


Or do you have any other ideas?

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I would say cold hard cash would be most appreciated (although I *am* teaching them to appreciate whatever gifts they get!). It sounds like your carrier is an adult, so maybe it's different? I don't know, though -- you *could* buy her food because everyone eats food, right? But what if she eats differently than what you would purchase? (For example, I *rarely* use canned vegies or boxed stuffing, and especially not during the holidays, so those would go to the food bank if I received them). And what if there's a fun little something she's been wanting to buy/splurge on but she just hasn't had the money? Or what if she needs money to pay her power bill this month? Etc. Cash would cover all these options, where a gift card to a certain store or a food basket wouldn't, KWIM?


By the way, thanks for thinking of doing something extra for her! It's amazing how many customers don't ... I know many think "well, they already get paid," but it's a tough job in a couple of senses: They have to stick with it no matter what (it's hard to get subs), and they don't actually get paid all that well (8-9 cents/paper per day?). So they heartily appreciate their tips!

Edited by milovaný
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I know when I threw papers - those FEW people who gave me a cash tips were so appreciated. :iagree:It is hard work.


My husband is a manager for the Newspaper Industry in our State. He has managed carriers for 30 years, and I can safely say they ALWAYS appreciate that kind of thoughtfulness.

Thanks for thinking of them, from the wife of the manager:)


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I would say a cash tip would be most appreciated. My family and I do our paper route for the money -- and if we didn't need the cash, believe me, we wouldn't be out there in the rain/snow/sleet/cold at 4:00 a.m. throwing those papers at your porches.


Just one paper carrier's perspective.


:iagree: My Dh did 2 routes while in college and those money gifts at the holidays really helped.

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I would say cold hard cash would be most appreciated (although I *am* teaching them to appreciate whatever gifts they get!). It sounds like your carrier is an adult, so maybe it's different? I don't know, though -- you *could* buy her food because everyone eats food, right? But what if she eats differently than what you would purchase? (For example, I *rarely* use canned vegies or boxed stuffing, and especially not during the holidays, so those would go to the food bank if I received them). And what if there's a fun little something she's been wanting to buy/splurge on but she just hasn't had the money? Or what if she needs money to pay her power bill this month? Etc. Cash would cover all these options, where a gift card to a certain store or a food basket wouldn't, KWIM?


By the way, thanks for thinking of doing something extra for her! It's amazing how many customers don't ... I know many think "well, they already get paid," but it's a tough job in a couple of senses: They have to stick with it no matter what (it's hard to get subs), and they don't actually get paid all that well (8-9 cents/paper per day?). So they heartily appreciate their tips!


:iagree: I think it's great of you to think of her and want to show your appreciation. (And it sounds like you are really lucky to have such a great carrier.) But I think cash would be the most appreciated. My mother gives the newspaper carrier a tin of homemade cookies or a coffeecake as well as a cash tip. I think the homemade goodies help make it more personal and more thoughtful than just throwing some cash in an envelope (if that was part of your reasoning for a gift card).

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I used to be a paper carrier too. It's kind of surprising how few people actually tip. I really appreciated the ones who did. I had one lady who used to make me homemade cookies from time to time - I loved that! Otherwise cash gifts are the best. The Thanksgiving box is nice, but since you don't really know whether she might be celebrating away from home, it might not be that useful (I never fix Thanksgiving dinner at home - we always travel to a relative's, which is why I mention it). Anyway, it's sweet of you to want to give something to her and I'm sure she'll appreciate it.

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Ok, I'll give her a cash gift.


We have so little money right now (DH is not making enough to cover basic expenses) that it will have to be a small gift. I thought of the Thanksgiving basket because I can take that same amount of money and stretch that into twice that much food.

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