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Rightstart Level A vs Level B question


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DS is almost 5 1/2. If I ordered Rightstart for him, would it be best to get A or B? I called the company to ask but didn't hear back


I believe B does review what you learned in A...but does it go at a much faster rate? Do you use manipulatives the same amount in both levels? Do you do any writing in level B (I think I read that there is not any or perhaps very little writing in level A)



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I'm using RS B with my DS. I have RS A for my DD, but we haven't used it much yet.


RS A and B both use manipulatives for their lessons. A is intended for K and B is intended for 1st grade. RS B has more worksheets than A, but neither is worksheet intensive. DS does some writing with B, but maybe just a once or twice a week. Most of RS A is covered in the first 30 or so lessons of B, but A goes at a much slower pace. My 4 yo DD was able to keep up with her big brother for the first 20 or so lessons in B, but I can see that it's starting to become too abstract for her.


IMHO, if you are OK with adjusting the lessons and slowing down when needed to meet your DS where his is developmentally, then you could go straight to B. If you want a little more handholding, then A would be useful for you.

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You will probably get a faster response if you email them. I did that because I wasn't too sure DD was ready for level B even though that was where the questionnaire said to place her. I think for kids of 5.5 or more who are beginning to read are generally placed in B, but every child is different.

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I believe B does review what you learned in A...but does it go at a much faster rate? Do you use manipulatives the same amount in both levels? Do you do any writing in level B (I think I read that there is not any or perhaps very little writing in level A)
Both are entry level. B does cover everything that's in A at a faster pace, but that doesn't mean you can't park, review, and play games until concepts are mastered. Writing is integrated into both levels, but (like most math programs) they can be done orally.
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Do you know you can see the table of contents for each level on the RS website? I would say trust your gut reaction as you look at them. If your ds has already been doing basic addition (informally is fine) or really enjoys math, that might be a sign he'd enjoy bumping up to B. Level B is going to introduce 4 digit addition by lesson 40, whereas level A is going to spend the entire book covering the basic addition facts and introducing place value. Level A has 14 worksheets and minimal writing, where level B requires substantially more writing to be able to do the 4 digit addition. Level A is a more typical K5 course, pace, and flavor, where level B is a 1st or higher course. In fact, the way they put it is level B will cover all the 1st grade state standards, a lot of the 2nd, and even some 3rd.


Yes, you could slow down B, but to what point? If A is a better fit (which you'll tell by looking at the toc), then do it and enjoy. Some people are comfortable tweaking, slowing down, and expanding lessons to making them fit. Other people want to just open the level and teach. I think A is a wonderful level, with very age-appropriate activities that many 5 yo's will enjoy. If he's advanced or has already been doing addition, then move him up to B. But if he's normal, needs to cover basic addition, and would benefit from a more typical K5 pace, less writing, and younger activities (hand shaking game, etc.), then do level A.


Remember too that RS has a very good return policy. I think though if you just look at the toc and the online sample lessons, your gut will guide you and you'll be just fine.

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thanks for all the replies :)

I think I'm struggling because there was one question on the questionnaire that I was iffy on, and depending on which way I answered it, he got placed in A or B (it was the reading question....he can't read yet, but we are working on phonics now)


I guess Id rather work through the program faster and have him gain confidence than try something too difficult and have him feel discouraged....perhaps I will try and email the company

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We started trying it last year, when dd was 4. We started with A and it just wasn't a good fit. She was LOVING Singapore EB, so I thought maybe RS B would be better. Nope.


I've posted my long saga, so I won't revisit it....




This year, with my 5 year old, we are using A and I am finding it to be perfect. It's working without tweaking, so that's what we're doing. I've looked through B again, but I LIKE being able to use A without tweaking.


NOW, I have been using Horizons K some. And we work through a Kumon numbers book. And we play dominos and Crazy 8's and Uno and watch "Mathtacular" and read math literature. I like approaching things from several different directions.


I just wanted to post that in the interest of full diclosure. It's interesting when someone says "program X" is perfect, as is. Then you see that they are also doing 10 supplemental activities. Why supplement, if program X is perfect?



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Reading isn't necessary in level B but perhaps they see it as an indicator as to how "advanced" a child is. Writing numbers is taught in the first few lessons so even that isn't a requirement for level B.

My ds is 5 and is doing fine with level B. I just make sure that I don't do too much in a day and often find that if he is struggling with something if I review it the next day it has sunk in over night and a quick recap is all that is needed.

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Rainbows, Stephanie is right on. The question about reading is as an indicator of advancement and they mean reading as in hand him a book and he reads. I suggest you get level A and be done with it. It's a great level, tons of fun, and he'll be just fine with it. If all the questions on the online questionaire made you think level A, go level A. :)

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