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The Where'd My Energy Go Teachers Lounge 2-1-2018


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Good morning, all! Welcome to the Lounge!


This morning is supposed to be my writing morning ( so I can work on my novel ) but I barely have the energy to sit here and type, let alone think through what needs to be done on my WIP (work in progress). Sipping through the coffee. Might need another! Oi!


What's waylayed you this morning/this week? Here: still trying to regroup after my trip. Last night, I think a juice drink I had at a restaurant was laiden with sugar (which may explain the energy depletion this morning.) 


Who's pets want you to come with them when they go outside? Here: my daughter's cat would LOVE if the dog could come out to play/hang out with her. Seriously. If we had any sort of yard, and one that we could have a fence around at that, or lived on a ranch, I would totally let this happen! As it is, we don't. We have a patio the dog likes to sit out on in the morning but she'd prefer someone sit out there with her.


Who needs to do fun stuff like pay bills and go grocery shopping today? Here:  :auto: . me! Probably within the next hour, too, as kids will wake up and want to eat again . . .


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Awesome title  :laugh:  For sure describes me this morning  :blink:


Waylayed....Either been eating wrong foods or worrying about to much stuff or combo of both.  Either way tummy issues last few nights.  Little sleep making for slow mornings.


No pets.


Ugh yes paperwork, bills and figure out some meals. I went to grocery yesterday but I am thinking I forgot things I should have bought.


Scrap -- hope coffee helps you and you write alot


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Waylayed: just tired all week. Last night I stayed up too late because I took dd(16) to a re-showing of The Breakfast Club. She loved it, I loved it all over again. So funny that that movie seem to be timeless.


As my father always said: I need no pets! He was unable to keep to that. I, however, due to allergies, must.


Bill paying and such will happen this weekend.

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I've been waylayed by staying up too late reading each night.  Which means I'm tired in the morning.  On the bright side, getting up at a set time every day, and teaching classes on my feet seems to have done great things for my insomnia most nights.  I'm sleeping much better.


We have a dog that runs in and out all day long.  Bounds around the yard yapping at every thing that flies, walks, or creeps by.  He's kind of annoying.


You reminded me that it's the first of the month so, yep I need to pay bills.  I should be doing the dishes right now but I'm feeling blah.  Should also mop the bathroom floor since I went through all the trouble of washing the rugs.

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Went and cleaned the kids' taekwondo dojang (dojo) today, despite really not wanting to. Also talked to the barber next door who had asked me if I would clean his shop and how much it would be to do so. He didn't like my quote. Ah, well, one less thing on my "to do" list. We've now returned, have had lunch, and resting at the moment. Need to get the kids on task here soon!

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