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Personal Question... Aunt Flo mentioned

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About 4 months ago, I started getting my periods every 20-21 days after being regular like clockwork for about 30 years. It only lasts for 3- 4 days.. very light day 1, heavy day 2, mild cramping, light day 3 and virtually nothing day 4. I turned 40 a month ago. Is this the onset of menopause? I spoke to my dr but she said that as long as it is not bothering me and I am not anemic, not to worry about it.

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Hmm, it's possible. My mom (only 53) started symptoms when I was still in college, so she would have been around 40 then. Also, I find this happens to me when I'm "dieting"--eating less, and more healthfully (less fat especially). Have you made an effort in the last several months to change your diet?

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About 4 months ago, I started getting my periods every 20-21 days after being regular like clockwork for about 30 years. It only lasts for 3- 4 days.. very light day 1, heavy day 2, mild cramping, light day 3 and virtually nothing day 4. I turned 40 a month ago. Is this the onset of menopause? I spoke to my dr but she said that as long as it is not bothering me and I am not anemic, not to worry about it.


This what happened to me @ 8-9 months ago. I went from 28 days to anywhere from 21-26. I saw a midwife who suggesteed progeterone cream, but I haven't started usingit yet. I turned 40 last month.

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Medically, menopause means you haven't had a period in a year, and pre-menopause means that your hormones are beginning to taper off to the point that you notice changes. Nothing to be worried about, just your body winding down that function.


I noticed a change when my cycle returned after my last baby (had her at 40), and I've been having more and more symptoms over the last 8 years. I'm still regular, but shorter "Auntie Flo" and hot flashes for the day or two before I start for the last 2-3 years.

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