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Christmas Card Senders - what are you doing this year?

How should Holiday cards be sent this year?  

  1. 1. How should Holiday cards be sent this year?

    • Send all snail mail. It's Christmas, after all!
    • Send all email. The budget dictates.
    • Send email and snail mail those who are still in the Dark Ages.
    • the ever-present other

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Dh and I have always loved sending and receiving Christmas cards through good ol' fashioned snail mail.


But with the economy - and our list stands at over 100 folks (and that's pared WAAAY down) - I'm debating doing an email version for folks with email addys, and then snail mail the rest of them.


What say you, Hive?

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I'm still a snail mail advocate and really can't imagine doing otherwise. Since I stuck my foot in my mouth here last year, though, when this question was asked, here's my addendum: Some VERY NICE PEOPLE have gone the cyber-space route and I am grateful they have not crossed me off their "Frenz 4-Ever" list despite our different approaches.:)

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Okay, I live in Florida. We don't have a mantel. But still.


For me, the joy of going to the mailbox and getting a tangible greeting I can hold in my hand and hang up to enjoy for the whole season is just never going to be matched by something that pops into my e-mail inbox. It just feels much more personal and special. I mean, my friends can send me e-mails all day every day with little thought, effort or expense. So, it means something special to me to get a real card.


And, knowing how much this all means to me, I've made every effort to keep up the tradition even when we really couldn't afford it. The years when we were struggling because of legal expenses and the year when my husband had been unemployed for three months just before the holidays . . . We still sent cards. We bought them cheap (I usually buy on closeout the previous year, anyway), and the photos of the kids were snapshots I took and printed out at home (on regular paper) rather than the professional ones we like to do. But we sent those cards, because I know that's what I would have wanted to recieve.


That said, I suppose I'd rather have an e-card than nothing.

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For the first time this year, we got professional portraits done at a local chain store. They had asked us to be the promotional christmas test family with Santa, and we got some awesome ones to pick from! I usually try to get a good shot of the kids or our family, and print out some pictures at walgreens to include in dollar store christmas cards. My list varies each year, but I probably send out 50 and give in person about 25 more.

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I'd pare down my list even further & send real cards. Then... maybe you could email those folks you had crossed off the list. We used to have a HUGE Christmas card list. I started keeping track of who sent them to us each year, and I just exchange cards with those people now & save a ton of money that way, lol. :D


Email "cards" just aren't the same. I like having pictures & cards from our friends/family out to look at during the holidays... it gives me the warm and fuzzies. lol Email just doesn't have the same effect - usually I'm the only one on the computer, and I forget to drag dh and the kids over to the computer to see the picture. :001_smile:

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