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Question for Catholics

Night Elf

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It was a direct response to Obama’s healthcare regarding birth control and insurance

Nope. These have been around forever. It is a pro-life statement.

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There are 8 zillion variations of this (I'm Pagan and I Vote!  I'm Christian and I Vote!  I Love Horses and I Vote! etc.)


It just means, this group with which I identify has some particular issue that I feel strongly about and agree with them about, and I want you all to know that I'm voting probably based on that issue.


Of course religion has to do with politics; many people get their moral guidance from religion and most people have some moral feeling about some political issues.

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An other possibility:


Catholic values don't fit nicely in either of the two mainstream political parties, which often makes it hard to choose which of the various candidates to vote for.


In order to not simply choose the "lesser of two evils", some Catholics opt not to vote. I have done this before.

Edited by carriede
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"I'm Catholic and I vote!". What does that mean?


It was a direct response to Obama’s healthcare regarding birth control and insurance


It just means, this group with which I identify has some particular issue that I feel strongly about and agree with them about, and I want you all to know that I'm voting probably based on that issue.


In order to not simply choose the "lesser of two evils", some Catholics opt not to vote.


I assumed it was about abortion.

This is exactly the problem with this kind of bumper sticker. If the person reading it isn't Catholic, they don't know what it means. If the person reading it is Catholic, they can at best guess at what it means. And everyone's response will be "Who cares? I'm ____________, and I vote too."


If I ever put a sectarian sticker on my car, it's going to be so cryptically inside-baseball that only people who already agree with me will understand it. Like, "More incense, Less nonsense." Or, "HF: Answer the Dubia." Everyone else behind me at the red light can be puzzled. :D

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This is exactly the problem with this kind of bumper sticker. If the person reading it isn't Catholic, they don't know what it means. If the person reading it is Catholic, they can at best guess at what it means. And everyone's response will be "Who cares? I'm ____________, and I vote too."


If I ever put a sectarian sticker on my car, it's going to be so cryptically inside-baseball that only people who already agree with me will understand it. Like, "More incense, Less nonsense." Or, "HF: Answer the Dubia." Everyone else behind me at the red light can be puzzled. :D


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