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Can I Jump Into WWE3?


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I would not jump into level 3 without any prior experience with WWE/WWE methods, especially in third grade. I had my fifth grader start with level 3, but she's a strong student and writer.


I might start with level 2 (though I started my third grader on level 1 with great results), but best would be to do the diagnostic tests available on the WTM website.


Just a note - I don't think these books are worth zipping through. They build skills incrementally and aren't like a math or grammar curriculum where you'd be stuffing in information. It would just be zipping through very similar assignments over and over, and would probably annoy the student (and parent).

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I'd start now. I don't know that I'd zip through, though of you start in level one you could do a narration and a copywork on the same day and shorten the weeks that way.


Your child is grade 2? You might want to start with level 1, many people run it a year behind anyway.


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I started my son in WWE 2 in 2nd grade without having done 1. He had a little bit of prior experience with copywork but that was it. He was fine. So you may not need to do 1, but maybe you could start with 2, and accelerate as needed. Maybe try 2 now and then move to 3 next year? And if you need to work a year behind, that's fine, too.

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Something that helped me, even though we did the full 4-year program, was reading the smaller instructor text right through and thinking about the individual skills I was trying to build.  I used the workbooks to make my life easier, but every so often Dd needed to back up and practice a skill because just charging on would frustrate her.  In your shoes, I'd use that textbook and just merge into the program wherever the kid needs, and then only buy the workbooks if and when you really wanted them.


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Assuming you mean you have a 2nd grader right now, why not do WWE 1 at double time? You can easily double up days without being overwhelming. It's pretty incremental and deliberate. I could see it when I came out the other end of WWE1 and again after WWE2. My kiddo's ability to summarize and narrate at the end of WWE2 without getting bogged down in unnecessary details and focus on the salient points is where we ended up at the end of WWE2. I was seriously doubtful we would get there because of where we were in the beginning. 


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We zipped through WWE 1 with my 8 year old in a couple of months and are starting 2. I skipped the copy work section because, he was already doing daily. I would say start with WWE 2. It seems like it would be a stretch to start in 3, but you could easily skip 1.



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