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The Gifts for Friends Teachers Lounge 12-20-2017


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Good morning, all, and welcome to the Lounge!


Today's theme stems from the fact that I'm early, making a gift for a new friend who is moving across the country in a couple of days. I got to know her during November's NaNoWriMo events and will miss her as she moves on to a new chapter of her life


Are you making or shopping for gifts for friends today/this week? Here: above and I also realized I need to do something special for another local friend who's been separated from her husband for over a year and he doesn't show any signs of "growing up" sadly. Trying to think of something special I can do for her.


What else is on your schedule today/this week? Here: the friend I'm making the gift for, I'm meeting for coffee later this morning. I was hoping to do more schooling this week but it's been light so far. And tomorrow was supposed to be our last day before break but maybe I'll just call it until 2018. Tomorrow or Friday is when we're supposed to do an annual gift exchange with my other friend mentioned above and her kids.  :cool:


Are you done with Christmas present prep? Here: evidently the other people at Target last night were working on that, too. DH and I went out for ice cream and then to Target to figure out what still needed to be done. I feel better now that some of those things were taken care of!


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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Good morning, all, and welcome to the Lounge!


Today's theme stems from the fact that I'm early, making a gift for a new friend who is moving across the country in a couple of days. I got to know her during November's NaNoWriMo events and will miss her as she moves on to a new chapter of her life


Are you making or shopping for gifts for friends today/this week? Here: above and I also realized I need to do something special for another local friend who's been separated from her husband for over a year and he doesn't show any signs of "growing up" sadly. Trying to think of something special I can do for her.


What else is on your schedule today/this week? Here: the friend I'm making the gift for, I'm meeting for coffee later this morning. I was hoping to do more schooling this week but it's been light so far. And tomorrow was supposed to be our last day before break but maybe I'll just call it until 2018. Tomorrow or Friday is when we're supposed to do an annual gift exchange with my other friend mentioned above and her kids.  :cool:


Are you done with Christmas present prep? Here: evidently the other people at Target last night were working on that, too. DH and I went out for ice cream and then to Target to figure out what still needed to be done. I feel better now that some of those things were taken care of!


Talk to me! :bigear:


No shopping today. I'm broke. Will do the shopping later this week. Maybe.

Today I'm working on a rewrite of my synopsis, will probably tackle the next scene in my novel (sequel to the one I'm currently querying) and work on the homeschool schedule this morning. I also have one errand in town, and I might clean a room.

Not done with Christmas prep at all. Don't even have any decorations up yet. I'd skip it if I could. 

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I've technically been done my shopping since before Advent but we are having a boardgame night with close friend on Friday and I was thinking of picking up a few small things for them. There will be 4 of them, all who usually get us something. We'll probably go the booze route with them or boardgame.


We're going to my parents and helping them decorate the tree today. We were supposed to do that yesterday but my mom wasn't feeling well. The rest of the week will be spent impatiently waiting for Christmas.

Edited by hjffkj
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We just have one gift left to buy, for dh’s uncle, and groceries for the weekend.


I have been working on a cross stitch project that my mom gave me six years ago to make for her. I was hoping to have it done for Xmas, and although I’ve had the time to work on it, I just don’t have the endurance to keep at it. It should be an easy project, but my mom didn’t want it done in the colors in the pattern and gave me in the skeins she wanted. The colors and skeins don’t match up for easy substitutes. It’s hard to explain, you’ll just have to take my word on this. Plus, the thread she got, breaks really easy, which makes it really frustrating to work with. Otherwise, I’d had it done years ago. When she gave it to me, she asked if I’d have it done by the time I’d see her two weeks later. 😂😂😂😂. I was still homeschooling and had a three year at that time!


Her birthday is a week after Christmas, so my new goal is to have it done by then instead of Xmas.


My gifts are all wrapped except for the ones I’m waiting on being delivered. Just got a delivery update today. Says it will be delivered on Xmas. Does UPS really deliver on holidays?



Eta: most of the gifts are already under the tree, except youngest gifts and stocking stuffers. Why carry everything back upstairs and then have to carry them back downstairs? So, I put them under the tree as I wrapped. Little kids that stop by want to know if Santa has already been here. I just tell them he comes every so often when he has gifts ready.

Edited by school17777
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I don't exchange with friends and this year have had a hard time even thinking about the holidays due to some stressful stuff I'm preoccupied with so it's a really minimal christmas. I'm focusing on giving to charities a lot which helps my mood so I still have some more to do with that this week. And now, I have to get a new high chair asap as ours just broke so that will be my main project.

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Jen, sorry it's so bah-humbuggish for you!


Carolyn, that's a great explanation to kids for why gifts are already under the tree. 

thankfully, my own children are now teens so I don't have to come up with an explanation! :-)


hjffkj, have fun decorating the tree!


critterfixer, I totally understand! 

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Just checked on the shipping for the two gifts I’m waiting on.


The one I need to come before Sat and is scheduled to be delivered today, just made it to Illinois last night. Doubtful that it will make it to my door by the end of today as stated. I’m afraid it won’t get here until Sat, after we are gone.


The other gift that’s not scheduled to be delivered until the 25th (really?), made it to NJ last night. I think that one might make it here tomorrow, or before the 25th. Glad for that. I ordered in plenty of time, and when I ordered, it was in stock. Then, I got an email saying it was back ordered. It was out of stock every where else and a much higher price, so I’m glad it is actually coming, especially in time for Xmas.

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