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The Can I Just Sleep All Day? Teachers Lounge 11-27-2017


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Happy Monday and Welcome to the Lounge!


I don't know about you but, despite the 'holiday' weekend, I could really use a nap today! I just woke up maybe an

hour ago but I am SO not ready for a full day of "have to do" today. Are you?


What's your schedule for today? Here: waking up! I've given myself permission to have a slow start to the day and a slow start to

get to admin stuff. I won't make the kids tackle school until about noon and that's fine with me. Later I will get to my writing as NaNoWriMo ends Thursday

and I have about 7,000 words to go to win!


What did you do this weekend? Here: Friday I met with some friends to do some writing and then I completely forgot about a writers group meeting than night! 

   Saturday dh and I went to JoAnn's early Saturday morning to get some fleece for blankets. It was on sale for 70% off. That afternoon a friend and I went shopping then I did some crafting. Sat night I went to church because I had to work on Sunday. After church, I stopped by to say hi to some friends.


FYI: I probaby won't open the Lounge again until NEXT Monday as I have way too many other things that need to get done this week.


Talk to me! :bigear:


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Today's schedule: School, take Cameron to work this afternoon, Ani's nannying and then works tonight, Jamie has to pick up the two of the nanny girls on his way home from work, will watch them for a little bit until they get picked up by their mom, pick Cameron up from work


This weekend: Started and finished Christmas shopping on Friday, kickboxing on Saturday (my abs hurt), church on Sunday

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Good morning, Scrap!


This past weekend was lovely! I got some needed school prep done, made simple meals, read a book, watched movies with my kids and enjoyed the sunshine. Very refreshing. We really needed the break!


Today is school, deskwork and a grocery trip. Nothing exciting. Anticipating the Christmas crazy schedule that starts this weekend.

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Taught a science class today.  I've now had this dumb cold/allergies/asthma/whatever for over 2 weeks.  I'm getting better but still tired, not sleeping well due to coughing, no energy.  My house is a disaster and I'm doing a two hour robotics workshop tomorrow so I won't be taking care of it until Wednesday.


I had to teach Sunday School, update my website and prepare schedules and registration forms for my winter session over the weekend.  Other than that, I just rested a lot.

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