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An idea for putting some meat on ultra-skinny children

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Calvin has never had much energy and is extremely skinny (off the bottom of the BMI chart). I had him checked out by the doctor, and she couldn't find anything wrong.


He's heading into puberty and has been eating more. He tends to get bored of eating though - he'd rather read than eat - so he stops as soon as the first desperate hunger is past.


Recently, I've been leaving a bowl of nuts in front of him on the school table. He eats them whilst working, and can easily get through a bowl a day. I know to my cost just how calorific they are, but they don't seem to get in the way of his eating the next meal. And he is, indeed, putting on weight. I had noticed his face filling out, and this evening I spotted a little padding on his ribs. He's still below 5% on the BMI chart, but he's not looking so famine-stricken. He's building muscle at the same time through Taikwondo. He likes the new look.



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Sigh... This won't help me with my peanuts and nuts allergic boy...



I used to make Calvin high calorie smoothies, but the volume of them used to stop him being hungry for the next meal.


Can your son eat seeds? My mother used to toast sunflower seeds with shoyu (Japanese soy sauce - I'm sure any soy sauce would do). They were delicious and full of healthy oils.



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Hmm, but that ends up putting calories on everyone in the house. And *I* don't need that!


yeah. we make sacrifices.

Also, you can use it for "kid" meals/snacks instead of family meals, to save the adults backsides.;)


It really fills a dish with callories though, which is a great plus for a kid that doesn't eat much for whatever reason. He gets probably triple to 10 times the callories from a helping made with milnot, but doesn't have to sit there any longer to eat it or have as much to get the callories. Or you can use half milnot and half water or milk and still get way more calories in there.

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Growing boys need lots of calories to fuel them. A few years back, one of our boys was extremely thin, but the dr. laughed at my concern. I gave D. grapefruit seed extract every day for a couple of weeks and he gained 15 pounds! He is still thin, but not scarily so. I am sure that he had a parasite, but no proof. Walnuts are a natural parasitic, but we have allergies to tree nuts. Last year I tried the same "cure" with our thin daughter to no avail. Then I turned to the dr. and this time she took me seriously and ran tests which came back type 1 diabetes...bummer...

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Thanks, Laura,


My kids are off the bottom of the charts, too. My oldest just turned 13, but no signs of puberty yet here. He is starting to fill out a little bit, too, or at least it looks that way to us since we can't see every rib anymore.:) DD 10 is absolutely tiny and very, very thin. Tae Kwon Do keeps them fit, but it seems to burn off everything they eat! I'm always looking for ways to sneak in a few extra calories.

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