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Accountability Thread 10/29-11/2

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Good morning. 

Kind of a busy day planned if the wind picks up. If not, it could be kind of dull. One of my boys has patched together a sail for his kayak and wants to test it out. No school this week, but we do have art, it behooves us to study our Latin vocabulary and grammar, and NaNoWriMo starts this week.

I'm after 2K per day, and the boys say they want to count their month in pages. They are aiming for 2 pages a day. 

I need to get out my sailboats picture and work on that, and do a little more on my cat picture. 

No cooking today. We have leftovers to get through.

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Ouch, happysmileylady. I hope they have some antibiotics for you, too.


For me today:

Watch for wind--we'll hit the lake if we get some. Boat are already loaded.


Email an editor about submitting poetry

Work on pre-NaNo prep

Check out some query letters in preparation for that step with the first novel.


Some cooking


No rest for the wicked, I guess. :D

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Happysmileylady,try using warm salt water and swish it around your mouth a couple times a day. It might help ease the discomfort a little.


Done- Calendar work and Halloween countdown. Halloween stories.


Phonics and read a Bob book


Bedtime Math


Read aloud and audiobooks

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Good morning!


Happy smiley- I hope the dentist is able to call something in for you.


This week we are in survival mode so our schedule is





Recitation/ apps


For me: typing up history exam and getting it to my sub for the last day of co-op

Ordering grocery for the people not going with me to the funeral

Getting stuff ready for the trip

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Ok, I am hitting the end of my rope.  We got through the math lesson, but had to cut off at the last two problems.  Thankfully today, I had no independent math (aka "homework") for today.  I might have pulled my eyeballs out lol.  She's finishing up spelling now, and lunch is cooking (mini pizzas.) 


I haven't even started with DD7.


I still need to hit the bank, and I need to call the dentist back.  I still haven't gotten dinner in the crockpot either.

:grouphug: I sure hope tomorrow is better for you.

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Good morning! Yesterday we had a nice day out--Art, and then came home to do pumpkins and watch a movie, and then a ballgame. So we are kind of stirring a little late this morning.

Today's schedule:

NaNoWriMo--I'm up for 2K, the boys are working on 2 pages per day. I've been accused once again of cleverly insisting on school during break. Bwahahahahahahaha!


Other than that, I need to think about school for the next six weeks and determine if we are taking two weeks off at Christmas or one, and when I need to look into ordering more math. Also, Tuesday art ends in another 2 weeks, and I think I'm now comfortable figuring out own art projects and will continue drawing skills at home on Tuesday and painting continues with the instructor and other students on Thursday. Also we have some chores, and a little housekeeping to take care of.

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Good Morning!


Today I am having a tooth pulled at 4.  I don't wanna, but I gotta.


That means mom is coming over today.  Which means cleaning.  And some school work.


I woke up in the middle of the night in a lot of pain and although taking stuff helped, it took about an hour or so to get to the point where I could go back to sleep.  Which meant that I overslept. 


Right now I have everyone up and eating breakfast.  Then I am going to have the girls get dressed, and then unload the dishwasher.  Then I am going to set DD8 up with her online reading thing, and get some phonics and  math done with DD7.  Should be done with DD7 by the time DD8 is done, or maybe before, and will then get DD8 set up with math. 


Today is probably going to be just a math and reading day.  Might do some geography with DD8 because she really likes it and we haven't gotten to it much.  It's pretty quick though.

Liking for the appropriately light day. But ouch!

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How is it Thursday already? :willy_nilly:







Okay--that doesn't look so bad. :hurray:

Art-done. I'm almost done with my sailboats I've been working on. Thank goodness.

NaNo-I've got over 2K for the day, and am heading into something interesting and new which should occupy me most of the evening.

Housekeeping-boys are almost done with their cleaning. Kitchen is up next, then I can fold the clothes and wash my sheets and clean my room.

Cooking-I made hamburgers for lunch.

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Safe travels, mama25angels.


Maize, hope everyone in your house recovers quickly.


happysmileylady, blah on tooth pain and dental bills. This has been a bad, bad year here also for dental bills.


I have had a VERY busy week. Sort of a recovery day for me, if you can count doing lots and lots of math as recovering. Tonight, DH and I will watch the finale of Stranger Things (Season 1), and I am looking forward to that :)

Edited by Penguin
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She worked on her wipe and clean numbers book and mazes. Core Knowledge sections history, music and science. Watched Scishow kids on YouTube. 3 chapters of the Bible and children's christian songs.


Need read alouds/phonics and her to read a Bob book to me.


Bday party this morning


Lunch with Daddy


Maybe the park

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