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CC in "Do Hard Things?"

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Could anyone who has read it tell me if "Do Hard Things" has much (or any) Christian content? I know the authors are Christian but how much does that come up in the book? One of the reviews on their website calls it "Gospel-centered," does this mean the Gospel is quoted frequently?


Also, as most of the reviews were by guys, I'd like to know if young women like it too?

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... or Christian fun reading, or instructional?


Have they read and discussed "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe"? I think that that book is a must, although a little young for the ages you speak of. The later ones are interesting as well.


How about LOTR? For duty, and inspiration, and persevering in good choices during bad situations, it's outstanding.


For something Christian with a strong female heroine, how about "Christy" by Catherine Marshall?


I really like "The Diamond in the Window" which is surprisingly literary. If you read and discussed "Little Women", "Walden Pond", and "The Chambered Nautilus" before reading DW, it makes its literary allusions very rich.


"An Old Fashioned Girl" is surprisingly current sounding in a lot of ways. Warning, though, it reads as if it was originally written in two books, and the first of the two is quite childish while the second is very thought provoking. So you have to kind of slog through the first part to get to the stuff that is really worth discussing.


"Rose in Bloom" covers wise love and wise partnership in marriage very well--a great thing for Christian teenage girls to think through before they move too far down the path toward boyfriends, I think. Lots of interesting discussion fodder here. LMA doesn't discount love at all, clearly considering it both sacred and essential, but also doesn't conclude that all love should result in marriage.


For extreme Christian inspiration from a strong and balanced Christian woman, I recommend "The Savage, My Kinsman" by Elizabeth Elliot. Outstanding on so many levels! And appropriate for teenagers--in fact, I may encourage my 12YO DD to read it this year.

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... or Christian fun reading, or instructional?


For extreme Christian inspiration from a strong and balanced Christian woman, I recommend "The Savage, My Kinsman" by Elizabeth Elliot. Outstanding on so many levels! And appropriate for teenagers--in fact, I may encourage my 12YO DD to read it this year.


I'm thinking more instructional... This is a great book, but may be too "heavy" for us at the beginning... You Ask about Life: Questions Teens are Asking by Tim Pauls.


The Elizabeth Elliot book would be a good possibility, too. I was thinking not so much of novels, but "Bible study" type books. I want something "light" and "pleasant" to get this group established. Eventually we can move into some of the books out there on modesty...


"Secret Keeper" by Dannah Gresh


Maybe something from Jill Novak?

Edited by mom2abcd
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