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Flylady support Baby Step #29, Friday Sept. 29....

3 ladybugs

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Good morning Flyminds! 


Welcome to the Flylady support thread. To find out what Flylady is: http://www.flylady.net/ You can also find people on YouTube if you search for it.


Please join in on the fun!


Today is day 29 of our 31 baby steps! Yay!!                         :hurray:                          :hurray:                           :driving:

Day 1 - Shine your kitchen sink!!

Day 2 - Dress to shoes! 

Day 3 - Keeping up the good work!

Day 4 - Write things down!

Day 5 - Write down what you hear

Day 6 - Hot spots!

Day 7 - Pick out your clothes 

Day 8 - Get a ring binder and put paper in it!

Day 9 - Declutter a few minutes at a time

Day 10 - You can do anything in 15 minutes!!

Day 11 - Add an inspiration page to the control journal!

Day 12 - Delete emails

Day 13 - Find a mission and do it!

Day 14 - Use a calendar

Day 15 - Make your bed 

Day 17 - Set a bedtime and stick with it.

Day 18 - Learn the 11 commandments of Flying! 

Day 19 - Read testimonials 

Day 20 - Include laundry in your routines!

Day 21 - Check out Ask Flylady or adding to the control journal??

Day 22 - Where is your control journal?

Day 23 -  Set your afternoon routine

Day 24 - Swish and swipe

Day 25 - Learn how the routines developed

Day 26 - look at the bottom of any Flylady email

Day 27 - What’s for dinner?

Day 28 - Eat good food, drink your water and get your rest


Today we are going to...

Day 29 - Set time to enjoy the weekly pamper sessions - http://www.flylady.net/d/getting-started/31-beginner-babysteps/day-29/

I will admit. I don’t do this. I mean at night I take time for myself by default but that is mainly because I am too tired to really move. So I don’t think that counts. LOL

Morning Routine

  • Get up and make your bed

  • get dressed to lace-up shoes, hair, face

  • Swish and Swipe your bathroom

  • Eat breakfast, drink water, and take meds and vitamins

  • Recognize negative voices and change them

  • Reboot your laundry

  • What’s for dinner?

  • Put out your Hot Spots for two minutes

  • Five-minute Room Rescue (pick a room). Set your timer and go!

  • Spend 15 Minutes decluttering each day. You can’t organize clutter!

  • Look at your Control Journal. Your Post-It Notes remind you

  • Read Your FlyLady Emails as a reward for doing your morning routine.


Afternoon Routine

  • Eat lunch and drink your water

  • Take a few minutes to relax

  • Start Dinner remember the side dishes

Before-Bed Routine

  • Keep your sink shining

  • Lay out your clothes for tomorrow

  • Put in a load of laundry

  • Check calendar for tomorrow’s dinner! Pull out of freezer.

  • Put out your Hot Spot.

  • Drink your water and take evening medications and supplements

  • Look at your Control Journal check list.

  • Time for bed; consider yourself tucked in!

Need more inspiration?


Reminder: Monday we start a series on building a control journal. I hope it is fun and educational.

Oh and by the way, I have started Diane in Denmark Julesnaps and I have made her bread rolls twice! My family LOVES them!

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If you are cleaning around your house and want to join us on the building a control journal series next week, be sure to set aside these items:


  • A notebook/binder
  • White or colored paper (you choose)
  • Blank dividers
  • “ABC†dividers for addresses and phone numbers
  • Monthly dividers for seasonal reminders, such as birthdays and when to change the furnace filter
  • Sheet protectors (not the matte finish unless you already have some; they are hard to erase)
  • Dry erase markers in your favorite color
  • Some kind of calendar for your schedule
  • A small note pad for making lists or post-it notes
  • A zippered pouch (for stamps, paper clips, pens, and other small items)

Now I don't have all of these. I have a home journal and a everyday, out of the house journal. I found that combining them was too much so separating them has helped me a bit. 


I have a binder, dividers, a steno pad that is 8.5 by 11, and sheet protectors. That is it. I guess I also have pens and alcohol swabs but I don't really count those as I need them for my other journal too. 

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