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Flylady support Babystep #2 Saturday, Sept. 2...

3 ladybugs

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Good morning Flyminds! 


Welcome to the Flylady support thread. To find out what Flylady is: http://www.flylady.net/ You can also find people on YouTube if you search for it.


Please join in on the fun!


Today is day 2 of our 31 baby steps! Yay!! :hurray:  :hurray:   :driving:

Day 1 - Shine your kitchen sink!!


Did we all do well with shining our sinks? Today we are going to:

Day 2 - Dress to shoes! http://www.flylady.net/d/getting-started/31-beginner-babysteps/day-2/


Need more inspiration?



Now for me this was the hardest thing to do. If I wear shoes in the summer my feet sweat like no tomorrow and when I take my shoes off my husband calls anything that remotely touches my feet toxic waste! (We all have our foibles!) So what I have been doing (till it gets cooler) is just using slippers. Ideally I would use water shoes or sandals with a buckle so my feet can breath but at the end of the summer you are just not going to find those up north. So slippers are what I have and am sticking with!


So let's all show our feet in (some sort) of shoe! ;)

Edited by 3 ladybugs
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I like wearing shoes, but I'm like the OP. My feet get very sweaty.


In the summer, I will wear socks and sturdy sandals when I'm in the house. Sturdy sandals that are attached to my feet at the toes and around the heel/ankle. Not flip flops or anything like that.


The socks will wick away the sweat, but at least a bit of air is getting to the feet through the socks instead of shoes.


When I leave the house, I take off the socks because they look dorky. :)


I know it's kind of cheating, but I also know that Flylady is right: if you're wearing sturdy shoes, then you can move around much better and get things done more effeciently. The sock/sandal thing is a tiny bit of a compromise, but not really. I could take off running at any time in the sandals I wear. They don't fall off my feet when I'm moving around the house, so it doesn't slow me down.


In the winter, my feet still sweat, but then the sweat gets cold and makes my feet freezing, so I have to wear the closed shoes and I just deal with the stink.


I have a friend whose husband has terribly stinky/sweaty feet and they use lemongrass essential oils and it has eliminated the odor for him. Figuring out the essential oil thing sounds complicated to me and I don't have the mental energy to figure out anything new, so I just spray the insides of my shoes with odor eater stuff.


So, OP, next year when the sandals are back out, try wearing them with socks.


In the winter, I've also been known to wear sturdy slippers to protect my shoes from getting too stinky, but I've been considering getting relatively cheap shoes from Walmart or somewhere and making them be my dedicated Flylady shoes. If (when) they get stinky, I can just replace them a few times a year because they wouldn't be expensive. The key is to spend enough that they're supportive shoes, but not so much that you can't stand to toss them every 3-4 months.


And I will wash my feet in my bathroom sink in the evening when I take off the shoes. I don't like getting into bed with stinky feet, and washing them does the trick.

Edited by Garga
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I must admit I was successful with Flylady years ago without wearing lace up shoes. I wear crocs when I have to run outside for any reason and they just slip on easily. Also, I remember starting and not having much to do. I never understood why I had to wear shoes all day when my Flylady duties were done for the day. I have a very small house and if I stick to her plan, I can clean anywhere from 15-30 minutes. So I'd wear shoes while cleaning and then take them off again.


DH has asked me to get back on the Flylady system though because our house was always clean and pleasant to be in. So I told him I'd give it another try. So I'll join y'all and take it slowly to try to make it Habit, If it's okay that I'm joining in Week 2.


I have seen other Flylady posts. Have I missed anything important or can I just jump in here?

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