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Latina Christiana I


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I only have the older version, not the newer one, but I have used it teaching a co-op class many times. My guess is that it means to yes, make up sentences to work on together. In my case, I would have used my once a week class period to do this on the board and take turns having them translate, using the types of grammar that have been covered. 

Edited by 2_girls_mommy
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There are free worksheets that IMO are harder than the actual lessons in LC1. There are sentences in those, if I remember correctly. They used to have them posted on the MP page, but I think they took it down when they started selling the review worksheets. (They are really different from one another!!) If you want them, PM me your email address & I'll send them to you later today. They might be helpful, but they are HARD (IMO) so don't try to assign them to your kid - just pick little parts to work through together.

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