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Flylady support Babystep #5, Tuesday Sept. 5....

3 ladybugs

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Good morning Flyminds! 


Welcome to the Flylady support thread. To find out what Flylady is: http://www.flylady.net/ You can also find people on YouTube if you search for it.


Please join in on the fun!


Today is day 5 of our 31 baby steps! Yay!!    :hurray:     :hurray:      :driving:

Day 1 - Shine your kitchen sink!!

Day 2 - Dress to shoes! 

Day 3 - Keeping up the good work!

Day 4 - Write things down!


Today we are going to...

Day 5 - Write down what you hear… http://www.flylady.net/d/getting-started/31-beginner-babysteps/day-5/

So today we are going to write down positive things from every negative fear we have about this system.

Need more inspiration?



Okay, honestly? I tend to be a positive person and me just putting my mind to something is generally enough to get me to do things. That is me though. Maybe you need some positive energy. If you don’t want to keep your negative thoughts, lets us have them! We can turn them right around into wonderful positive things in NO time! Let’s do this!

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So today I am actually going to start school with my oldest again. I did all the prep for it so it should be fairly easy. Also we will not have our visitor for much of the day and that should help. 


So today my goals are:


  • load of laundry
  • swish and swipe bathrooms
  • blessing hour (didn't do it yesterday)
  • scrub stove top
  • educate oldest
  • update blog


I think that is good for now. I will be zen though and not let negative thoughts enter my head. I CAN do this! I WILL do this! Arrgg!!!

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Frugalmama - I am sorry to see you go. Please join us again after you move. 


Night Elf - I too found that interesting. 


Butter - Impressive!


As for me, I didn't do everything I wanted to. :( I am sore from pushing a stroller through 8 inches of weeds on Monday. Today I am taking something for it. So hopefully today will be better for me. Here's hoping!

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