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Comprehend Biology (for 9th grade) or recommendations?

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Our charter is offering Comprehend Biology (by Responsive Education Solutions) as an A-G option (meaning it will transfer to the University of CA or CA State University systems) for my 9th grader.  Has anyone used this or anything else by this company?  


Or any recommendations for other good, SECULAR A-G options?  No young earth or anti-evolution undertones please.  I want good, solid up-to-date science. 


I tried doing a search, but as you might imagine, searching for the word "comprehend" on a homeschooling board is pretty much the definition of trying to find a needle in a very large haystack :D

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I am skeptical of anything from RES. What about Oak Meadow biology? I liked what they have.

Yeah, I did a little Googling and I'm not liking what I'm seeing.  Plus I got a chance to look through the online  . . . meh.  I don't think it's worth $50/kid/semester at all. Our charter just got Oak Meadow.  I'll have to look into that.  I didn't even realize they had high school courses until just recently. 

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I have not (much more expensive out of state), but they have a reputation for being solid, if not earth shaking, and they're a simple way to get an A-G class.



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Thanks so much.  We are CA residents and I'm pretty sure our charter could do one of the free options, so that's amazing and no loss if we hate it :D 

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My DD does online classes with a program in CA, and a lot of kids also use SCOUT. No one seems to love them, but no one is raving about them being inaccurate or a waste of time or heavily biased, either, and they're one that charters and B&M schools are usually quite happy to accept.

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I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but another option for satisfying some a-g requirements, including biology is to get a reasonable score on the SAT subject test.   I just want to point that out if you are dissatisfied with the course option you noted and would rather take another bio class.  


D) Laboratory science

UC-approved high school courses

Two years (three years recommended) of laboratory science providing fundamental knowledge in two of these three foundational subjects: biology, chemistry and physics. The final two years of an approved three-year integrated science program that provides rigorous coverage of at least two of the three foundational subjects may be used to fulfill this requirement. A yearlong interdisciplinary science course can meet one year of this requirement.

SAT Subject Test

Each test clears one year:

Biology: Score of 540
Chemistry: Score of 530
Physics: Score of 530

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I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but another option for satisfying some a-g requirements, including biology is to get a reasonable score on the SAT subject test. I just want to point that out if you are dissatisfied with the course option you noted and would rather take another bio class.


D) Laboratory science

UC-approved high school courses

Two years (three years recommended) of laboratory science providing fundamental knowledge in two of these three foundational subjects: biology, chemistry and physics. The final two years of an approved three-year integrated science program that provides rigorous coverage of at least two of the three foundational subjects may be used to fulfill this requirement. A yearlong interdisciplinary science course can meet one year of this requirement.

SAT Subject Test

Each test clears one year:

Biology: Score of 540

Chemistry: Score of 530

Physics: Score of 530

Thanks! I'm so new to this. This my 7th year homeschooling, but our first year tackling high school. Still figuring it all out, and he doesn't even particularly want to go CSU/UC, but I don't want to close any doors either!


In any case, the teacher pointed out that bio is typically a sophomore year class, so we're going to just wait and have him do it as a dual enrollment class at the local CC in a semester or two.

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