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In-Toeing Preschooler


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Ballet helped my daughter whose right foot always turned in. She would wear down that inside edge of her sneakers when she was little but it was more prominent on the right side. The constant focus on her feet and turning the feet out in ballet, as well as the exercises focusing on posture and alignment, seemed to help a good bit.


The doctors all said she would outgrow it and didn't seem concerned. Her dance teacher took one look and said ballet would help. Not sure if your son likes to dance though. And honestly, therapy and custom insoles would have probably been cheaper, lol...

Edited by CaliforniaDreaming
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I wore inserts in my shoes as a child to correct this, both feet, probably until age 7?  That was back in the days when shoe stores had actual customer service, and the employees just added the inserts to my new shoes.  I'm sure you'd have to go to a specialist now to get the right thing.


I also took ballet until age 7 or so.  Don't know if that helped, though.

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