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Exploration Education Reviews and Time for labs?

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Hi Everyone,


Can anyone review Exploration Education for me?   How long do the labs take per day?  How long for science total?  Do the labs typically work?


ETA:  I'm thinking about using this next year for the "hands-on" aspect of my physical science course for my 4th and 5th graders and supplementing with some other fun science books/biographies for reading.   


Thanks so much!


Edited by TheAttachedMama
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My 8th grader is doing it now (the advanced red level), just started and finished Ch.1. Lab worked, He loves it so far. So I'm happy. He's excited about science this year!! He does a little each day on the project. Lesson itself does not take long. They do need to record their answers in the log book and then you check it. For 8th grade it is completely independent.

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My son did the advanced version for 8th grade. Overall, I would guess an average of 20-30 minutes a day for days 1-3. Days 4-5 took longer... the major projects took days to build. If you are doing the intermediate version, you wouldn't be doing days 4-5 or the bigger projects though. My son liked it as much as he likes any science currently. I thought it was well done, the tests were just challenging enough, love the lab workbook. I do think it is worth the price!

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My daughter used it for part of 8th grade hoping for a high school credit and hated it.  We didn't like it either and ended up sending it back.  She hated all the project work and we felt there wasn't enough content there for a high school class.  I think it's fine for younger students, though.  Most people seem to love it so I think we are in the minority.  

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We just started EE with dss, ages 12 &14.  They absolutely LOVE it!  I wouldn't trade it in for anything.


They are using it independently, but my 9 yo ds can't stay away from their labs.  :)  The lessons are about 30 min.  That's if you have a child who does the lesson and puts it away...NOT mine.  They have to get into every gadget they can find in their collections they have and see what would happen if they did this, this, or this.  They always take it to the next level.  I love listening to them  :)


This has been worth every penny for us.  They each have their own Lab Book.  I only bought 1 Lab Kit and asked them if they would like their own, now that they have an idea of how the program works.  They both said one kit is enough.  They are enjoying working together.  They are what I would call 'typical' brothers, with their spats and quarrels, but they really have worked well together on this science.  It has been very refreshing for me to see.


Not sure if I will need to supplement, but I will keep an eye open to the unit titles and check out reading at the library or what I have on my shelves.



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My son did it in middle school - completed the adv. version on his own. I though it was good, but he has a big background in science and felt certain portions of the learning were "beneath him", but you had to answer everything to get to the next section. He did all of the projects and years later, we still have some of them around.

Overall it was fun, he learned and I didn't have to do anything as mom.

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