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Bluetooth CD player for car?

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I wrote out a very long story, got to the end, and realized I may have totally misunderstood this other person and how they use their CD drive. How embarrassing.


Please disregard what I said!!


I would digitize the CD, then play it through USB on my phone.

Thank you! I'm coming to realize i may have to do that. I just don't want to. I can get free audiobooks on cd from the library, and I don't want to have to load all those CDs computer and onto my phone. I just want to play the cds in the car. I went to Best Buy and asked th 20 year old employees if there was such a thing and they looked at me rather pitifully! :) crazy old lady.

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Thank you! I'm coming to realize i may have to do that. I just don't want to. I can get free audiobooks on cd from the library, and I don't want to have to load all those CDs computer and onto my phone. I just want to play the cds in the car. I went to Best Buy and asked th 20 year old employees if there was such a thing and they looked at me rather pitifully! :) crazy old lady.

If you figure something out, please share it. I've been wanting something similar too. It's just way too much work to load always be loading library CD's onto my phone via computer. Plus a major memory drain. Lol

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