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Arctic Mama...

Liz CA

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The actual movers aren't that bad. Messy butt otherwise fine.



Staying another night is about making my husband cry (or punch something).


Well, if he has a messy butt, it's his butt and his problem. - Sorry, how childish of me, nevertheless I could not resist. Maybe it makes you laugh at least. You probably need some levity by now. ;)


You know you need to take time out on the road to update us, RIGHT?? :lol:


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Well, if he has a messy butt, it's his butt and his problem. - Sorry, how childish of me, nevertheless I could not resist. Maybe it makes you laugh at least. You probably need some levity by now. ;)


You know you need to take time out on the road to update us, RIGHT?? :lol:


I totally missed that typo! Benny was headbutting me as I was typing :p


We won't have cell reception for portions of the drive but I will definitely post throughout the trip. If I get snazzy I might even upload a few Alcan pictures :)

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I totally missed that typo! Benny was headbutting me as I was typing :p


We won't have cell reception for portions of the drive but I will definitely post throughout the trip. If I get snazzy I might even upload a few Alcan pictures :)


I've never been on the Alcan and have little hope that I ever make it up there - so yes, if you can, please post some pics. Or one of the older kiddos can do it for you? It' not like you have so little else to do...:)

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Oh man, we are leaving such a bad review for the moving company. Drama. They messed up our reservation again and can't have us out until Friday night, when we were supposed to drive out Friday morning. So now we can't leave until Saturday and just had to bump every reservation we had. We are pretty furious because he owner just keeps shrugging as though they didn't have a contract with us. And they refuse to even offer a discount for their third set of screw ups.


The actual movers aren't that bad. Messy butt otherwise fine.



Staying another night is about making my husband cry (or punch something).

That is too much changing, too much bumping, too much EVERYTHING on the part of the owner. I would out him on every social media forum so that others are forewarned. He should probably go out of business with an attitude like his, and good grief, can you imagine a military family moving for new orders? This is nuts! 


It would be okay if your husband lost his cool a little bit on the owner. Sometimes it is the only way to get the point across.


Hope Friday finally comes through, and you are out the door Saturday morning.

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I totally missed that typo! Benny was headbutting me as I was typing :p


We won't have cell reception for portions of the drive but I will definitely post throughout the trip. If I get snazzy I might even upload a few Alcan pictures :)

Way to go Ben! You little cutie pie!

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We will be leaving a detailed review. I so regret not going with the mover we both liked better but who was more expensive. She cared more and it was obvious. Lesson learned. We let them know we were extremely displeased but yeah, not even offering a discount or some sort of reparation except a shrug.


I believe in God's providence in these matters - the extra week turned out to work out wel enough and I'm sure this will too. We just both wish he'd let us in on the script from time to time!

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Arctic is coming to the Midwest to the lovely town of Dayton which has tons of what they need for Bennie, easy homeschooling, tons of educational options, extra curricular and enrichment activities, gets spring weather a month sooner than here in the Great Lakes region, and yet will be nice driving distances to all kinds of beauty and fun! They picked a great place to raise a family.


Yay!! I am excited you are moving our way. PM me when you get a chance to let me know what suburb you picked.  I hope you really enjoy your new life here in southwest Ohio!  Don't forget if you need me to check names of specialists, I can do that in advance of your move and PM you.

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Yay!! I am excited you are moving our way. PM me when you get a chance to let me know what suburb you picked. I hope you really enjoy your new life here in southwest Ohio! Don't forget if you need me to check names of specialists, I can do that in advance of your move and PM you.

I'll totally message you and some of the other Ohio people when we are settled :)

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Sometimes I think all the trouble of moving is a way for the universe to ease the sadness when you actually put out of the driveway. Fewer tears and more sighs of relief. ;)

That's so true! We are dying to be done, no tears except frustration ;)

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This might be helpful. There is a link there to a format you can follow.


When I was homeschooling, I used to fill out this form and attach typewritten notes that combined the information required in numbers 5 through 7. I would list each required subject in bold, and then underneath that list the titles of the curricula or texts I planned to use. Or sometimes I would say "a selection of library materials" instead of the name of a text. I would also attach a copy of the table of contents or scope and sequence of the main texts, to count as the "outline of intended curriculum."


I'm sure that everyone's "outline" looks different. The copies of the TOC was suggested at a homeschool convention, and it was never questioned by the school districts we have lived in.


It's not hard, but it takes a little time to type things up and make copies, especially when you have multiple children. School starts in early or mid August here, depending on the school district. If you haven't packed up your school things yet, it may be easier for you to find what you need to fill out the notification now, instead of in the early days right after moving.


Yes, we have some schools starting next week and the week after here.


I would be happy to send you mine as a template to use but I am super late to this party I am just realizing. 

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Arctic, I have only one absolute rule of moving to Ohio that you MUST adhere to and that is, THE CHILDREN CANNOT MATRICULATE TO OHIO STATE!


(Says the mother of a current U of Michigan student, and one alum) and the 4H leader sworn to MSU loyalty.



Hubby is a University of Michigan grad, as are both his parents. There is much contention about Ohio state ;) Edited by Arctic Mama
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Arctic is coming to the Midwest to the lovely town of Dayton which has tons of what they need for Bennie, easy homeschooling, tons of educational options, extra curricular and enrichment activities, gets spring weather a month sooner than here in the Great Lakes region, and yet will be nice driving distances to all kinds of beauty and fun! They picked a great place to raise a family.



Ohio is nice but Iowa could have been grand. ;)  

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