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Learn Welsh resources for 3rd-5th grader?


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Languages like Welsh are going to be best learned by amassing a cache of resources. I doubt many QUALITY resources that fit your needs exist.


Use YouTube to find videos on how to read Welsh. I've found d full course s on the phonics of Spanish, French and German the past and scene several others. You may only be able to find ABC videos for a while. Find users who post Welsh videos and write to them from help.


Somewhere​ there is a Welsh popstar. Your job is to find his or her music and acquire at least 10hrs worth of Welsh music from lullabies and folk songs and a healthy dose of modern 2000-to present music



The Welsh government has some things on their website and links to Welsh Children's shows.


http://www.meithrin.cymru/welsh-for-the-family/c58/ Is a group that has a lot if Welsh for family type resources.


I think Teach Yourself Welsh and Teach Yourself Welsh Grammar both have audio CDs for pronunciation help.

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Oh I love that your kids want to learn the language!! I'm second generation born in the US. My grandparents were fluent in the language (I remember a little). I think BBC has free resources if I remember correctly. I'll look and see if I can find it. I can also ask my extended family still in Wales. The language is not commonly spoken there, so they will be excited to see the request ðŸ‘ðŸ»

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For Welsh speaking only, the Say Something In Welsh podcast is great - particularly good for people with no familiarity with written Welsh. And if you google BBC learn Welsh it'll take you to the BBC homepage for all their Welsh learning resources - will probably have more mechanics in the GCSE Bitesize parts. 


For "imersion" you could look for DVDs/YouTube videos of  Sam Tân (Fireman Sam). Also, search youtube for S4C Cyw - this is the Welsh language programming made for children in Wales. Will be baby-ish but depending on your child they might get something out of it anyway. 


For grammar in particular, you can search for Amazon and get a couple different results - the Routledge one is pretty highly rated. 

Edited by Fardo
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Excellent. Thank you! 


I think the BBC page(s) will be helpful once we get going. Looks like I'll be piecing things together for him - which is fine. We've decided to start with Learn Welsh Now. We'll be very slowly building up vocab at first. If he wants more of that, I have Welsh for Beginners bookmarked.


The whole North Wales vs. South Wales thing is going to be a headache for me; I can already tell. I have a feeling he'll just pick one (either North or South) and ignore the other. Too early to tell. 

The YouTube videos, podcasts, and children's shows will be sprinkled in when I need a break. I'll probably add Duolingo after a year if he's still interested.


I appreciate the ideas, encouragement, and help.

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  • 1 year later...

Well, he's pretty much been doing it on his own since I didn't have time set out for him.
- He greets me in Welsh sometimes.
- He made flashcards for himself.
- He's only a few chapters into the Learn Welsh Now book.
- He's been doing Duolingo Welsh on & off for a few months. He's not picked up anything he's using actively, but he does recognize some words.

Sooooo, slowwwwwww. He's still excited about it, though, and will likely pick back up on the LWN book once school gets started. (He'll still be working on his own.) If he got along better with dd#1, she'd likely give him 15 minutes of her day to help him learn it because she doesn't usually pass up a chance to learn a new language. Alas, they aren't the best pals. If he wants to continue it as his official high school language (still got awhile for that), I'll likely get him an italki tutor starting in 7th or 8th grade (still at least two years off).

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