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American History


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I am needing some ideas for American History.  Please share what you used and liked for American History.




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We used "The Unfinished Nation" videos with Brinkley's "American History: A Survey."  It worked great - both the videos and textbook are classic, very well made, and perfectly correlated.  For the older son, we added readings also correlated to the historic period so that he was done reading just as he was working on the main history content - letting him experience the history in context.  We found daily worksheets for Unfinished Nation online, and pulled test content from AP US History prep books.  Without further studying, he was able to score over 80% consistently (roughly a 5 on the AP test).


The only problem: while the books are easy to find (and affordable), the videos are becoming scarce.  I wouldn't be surprised to find them online for free somewhere.


Here was our reading list, in order:


Nathaniel Hawthorne - The Scarlet Letter

James Fenimore Cooper - The Last of the Mohicans

James Best - Tempest at Dawn

Carolyn Meyer - Where the Broken Heart Still Beats

Harriet Beecher Stowe - Uncle Tom's Cabin

Stephen Crane - The Red Badge of Courage

Edmund Morris - The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt

F Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby

John Steinbeck - The Grapes of Wrath

Harper Lee - To Kill a Mockingbird

James Michener - Tales of the South Pacific

JD Salinger - The Catcher in the Rye

John Updike - Rabbit, Run and Rabbit, Redux


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1st DS hasn't taken it yet, it's up for his senior year next year, but he's planning on reading K12's American Odyssey text, doing a few selected lessons from Critical Thinking in US History, and watching some Annenberg Lerner online lectures. This particular DS is not into history at all, he's more of a STEM kid, and this course is a box checker for him.


2nd DS is much more of a history buff and wants to go deeper with his US History course, so he will use FundaFunda's schedule as a base and possibly take the AP exam.

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