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my overdue update

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We finalized our adoption last month!!! 27 long months of fostering and she is finally our daughter!


We got the birth certificate and it was so strange seeing me as the birth mother. :tongue_smilie: I know I'm her mom, but the birth certificate really made me look at it differently.


Our oldest son turned 18. That really tugged at my heart strings. I took a walk down memory lane and looked at old pictures. Its so weird that he can vote and join the military now. He's an adult! He has a serious gf now. She is sweet. We had some issues early on with difference in spiritual beliefs, actually, its minor stuff. But I am glad that he put off dating until he was 17 and 3/4.


The other kids are now 14 boy, (almost) 9 girl, 6 1/2 girl and 2 y/o girl. I think we are done fostering. Our oldest four are our bio. children and the last is adopted. It really was an amazing experience, but I have my hands full. I am in awe of some of the foster families I've met over the 2 1/2 years we've done this. There are women that are Super Mom. I have realized, that I am not. :001_smile:

I need to buckle down with school and focus on my own family.


So, my 14 y/o son is at home with 4 girls all day. (the oldest boy is in college full time, dual enrolled)


Tomorrow we go to Classical Conversations and sit in on a class to see if that would be a good fit for him. He needs something once a week.


Anyway, maybe now my life will settle down that I can pop on here more often.


It's good to see some old "faces". I just update my avatar, profile and siggy pic. :D


Hope everyone is doing well!


-Tracie (Copswife in Fl)

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:hurray: I know what you mean about seeing your name on the birth certificate. When I saw my name as birth mother on our dd birth certificate I started to cry...and we had raised her since she was 6 months old! There is something about it being finalized..real..forever.. Congratulations!

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