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Funny child/Dr./immunization story

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My kiddos had different food allergies and my Dr. and I had such a great relationship that we skipped a lot of well-child check ups and completely post-poned vaccinations.


So, my son, about 6 at the time, hadn't had any shots and we discussed a couple of them that I felt it was time to get. I asked my son to be a brave little tiger and explained that he was going to get a couple of shots.


I used the word "shots". He imagined a pistol.


He got teary eyed and took a deep breath and said, "Okay, mommy, if that's what you want them to do to me."!!!!!


Oh, my heart broke! He thought I was going to let the Dr. shoot him! AH!

The poor darling!


I laughed a little, hugging him, and re-explained things...

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My kiddos had different food allergies and my Dr. and I had such a great relationship that we skipped a lot of well-child check ups and completely post-poned vaccinations.


So, my son, about 6 at the time, hadn't had any shots and we discussed a couple of them that I felt it was time to get. I asked my son to be a brave little tiger and explained that he was going to get a couple of shots.


I used the word "shots". He imagined a pistol.


He got teary eyed and took a deep breath and said, "Okay, mommy, if that's what you want them to do to me."!!!!!


Oh, my heart broke! He thought I was going to let the Dr. shoot him! AH!

The poor darling!


I laughed a little, hugging him, and re-explained things...

What a brave boy!


My younger ds had a similar reaction on his first plane ride when he was 4. I had cautioned him that his ears would "pop" as we took off. He pictured an explosion in his ears. But he really wanted to fly and everyone else seemed okay with it, so he didn't protest. I didn't know he was thinking all this until I noticed him quietly crying as we taxied down the runway. Fortunately, I was able to reassure him that his ears were NOT going to explode.

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