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7th grade grammar

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My ds has done grammar since 3rd grade.  He kinda sorta knows what he's doing (how's that for a good grammar sentence?!?).  Should I continue with another year?  I know what program he could use--it just seems like overkill and not really relating to his writing ability.

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We're sticking with it ala WTM. That said, we have been a year or more behind in R&S, so the 9th grader is just now in the 8th grade book- good stuff, I am glad we didn't skip it, and the 7th grader just finished the 5th grade book. I will probably put her through R&S 6 next year, then just skip 7 and put her in R&S 8 for 9th grade as well. 


Then we have R&S 9/10. WTM has them doing these until finished but skipping the composition exercises. I bought the worksheets that go with these. I figure she can read through the lessons and do any worksheets, but nothing else from the books. We are heavy on the LA here though, so that fits us. If we stick with them, doing it 2-3 times a week, that will go through the remainder of high school. Who knows what after next year brings though. She could end up doing DE or something for English. I only know that we are doing it next year for 10th. (and that my rising 8th grader will continue hers.) 

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Silvermoon is right, you get to make the call (power!) I'm planning to have mine do grammar through 8th. I don't want to spend time on it in high school, so we'll keep it up to that point. It is a low subject on the totem pole, though. We don't have to do grammar in order to feel like we did school for the day. :-)

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