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oops - what to do 7th/8th grade science when you moved too fast

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What would you suggest for science for 7th and 8th grade with the following scenario ?


Elementary (Pre-k to 5th) -- Every Apologia Exploring Creation book


6th - Apologia General Science  (finishing up decimals and fractions for math)


7th - science?  (will be starting Pre-Alg)


8th - Science? ( Algebra)



I don't think my son will be quite ready for Physical science in 7th grade due to not having Algebra yet.  To be quite honest, he was really bored with the General Science curriculum this year.  He is really into experiments and inventing and he found the set-up to almost squash his love for science.  He is really interested in Animals so I considered a vet science curriculum but I'm not sure if that would be okay for a year of science.  I would like to find an online somewhat interactive (synchronous or asynchronous) course for him if possible. 



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I think if you have laid a foundation during the elementary years, a year or two of experimenting in middle school is just fine. :-) My last middle schooler read through the Hakim science books and did lots of hands on science kits. She did great in physics during ninth grade, despite the lack of hard core curricula for middle school.

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We did a lot of simply exploring science topics of any choice during those middle years. My boys did History of Science by Hakim and read lots of books about physics and relativity. We took some rabbit trails down elements and exploding things and basically just absorbed lots of science by reading anything science related.

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I was also going to recommend Hakim's history of science! That's what I used for 8th grade. I got a teacher's guide and workbook for the first book. I think there are guides for the other two books as well, but I'm not sure.


We also used a book called Teaching Science Process Skills.

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Earth science is good to do in middle school and Wilso Hill Academy has a class. I believe the text they use is "old earth".


The math for most physical science texts seems to be more at the pre-algebra level. I don't think there are many that have algebra 1 as a prerequisite, which is probably why it is usually not considered a high school level science.

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My ds 6th grade did Apologia Physical Science this year without having done PreAlgebra or Apologia's General Science and has done just fine. I was concerned about moving him too quickly and that he hadn't started PreAlgebra yet. But it wasn't an issue. He started PreAlgebra in February as we were finishing up Singapore Math.

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As you used Apologia, did you check BJU Life Science + Earth & Space and / or Abeka Physical Science?

Sometimes the same name covers a different content.


As we don't follow American sequence, we used BJU Life Science during grade 7+8 supplemented with Physics with Toys

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...To be quite honest, he was really bored with the General Science curriculum this year.  He is really into experiments and inventing and he found the set-up to almost squash his love for science.  He is really interested in Animals so I considered a vet science curriculum but I'm not sure if that would be okay for a year of science.  I would like to find an online somewhat interactive (synchronous or asynchronous) course for him if possible. 


I have 2 DSs, neither who were STEM-passionate, but who loved Science as we did our own science with loads of hands on, documentaries and "living books" all the way up through 8th grade, and doing Apologia Biology in 9th grade about crushed their interest in Science, too. :( We ended switching away from Apologia after that year.



For interest in experiments, some of the TOPS units (get the optional supply kits too!) are great. Not a complete curriculum, just the hands-on part, but these are very independent working. Esp. good for middle school ages:





Cohesion and Adhesion

Rocks and Minerals


And while I'm not a fan of the pyramid structure and aggressive marketing of Classical Conversations, the basic method they do science for Challenge A level might be a super fit for your DS -- you could set up something similar at home, in that DS explores with various resources about various animals and fills a blank book, and have him doing experiments, especially one longer more complex investigation that would have DS involved in a local Science Fair.


Here's the description of the CC science for that year:

Instead of giving students a textbook to read, in this seminar we give them a blank book to fill. Following the tutor’s guidance, each student researches one sub-category of a topic and presents it to the class with illustrations. Topics range from fungi to aquatic mammals... Science Fair... opportunity for students to... explore... inquiry through scientific research... as they perform an experiment of their own choosing.  The process will include: developing a research plan, performing an experiment, formulating a research paper and... presentations skills...



For online classes -- I didn't check on synchronous/asynchronous:

- Forest Trail Academy -- 7th grade science, mostly focuses on Life Science


For animals and vet science ideas, nothing online, but these look interesting:

Easy Peasy Zoology -- free schedule/plans, use the M level (gr. 5-8)

4-H Veterinary Science -- "ideas/activities while completing the Veterinary Science Achievement Program"

In the Hands of a Child: Veterinary Science and Animal Care (gr. 5-12)

Schoolhouse Teachers: Animal Science -- a high school elective science, so it might be gentle enough for middle school

K12: OTH033: Veterinary Science -- looks like ?high school level? but probably gentlel enough for middle school 

Veterinary Animal Care unit study (gr. 3-5) -- too young for your DS, but you might check out the resources

Tufts University: Adventures in Vet Medicine -- 1-week summer program 


past WTM threads:

8th grade science for animal lover?

Science curriculum for future veterinarian?

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