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A thanks for advice (A1C prediabetes related)


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A few months ago I posted about being frustrated with the results of A1C test.  I was dx'd prediabetic due to an A1C of 5.9.  Four months later, after working hard at lowering my carbs, I retested and the result was again 5.9.  I posted about about that in January.


Many of you advised me on testing strategies to really see what foods affect me, and when.  I went through a lot of test strips!  After eating some foods I'd test at 30 minutes and then every 15 for the next two hours.  Yeah, that's a lot. (I did not do that every time I ate!)   I kept track of what foods did what.  I discovered a few things that surprised me (and some that did not).  Such as:


If I pop corn in coconut oil and sprinkle nutritional yeast on it, I get a very satisfying treat and my blood sugar barely goes up.


If I eat a piece of pizza with some veggies, and a salad, and that's it, my blood sugar barely goes up.  If I eat multiple pieces of pepperoni pizza and a piece of chocolate cake, my blood sugar will go to heights never dreamed of.


Pho is a killer.  (Those rice noodles!)  Of course I can eat the meat and broth and leave the noodles behind...


White rice served as a side with curry is fine.  White rice reheated and eaten as lunch with a little butter on it... not so fine.


If I want a cookie, I just have to time it right and have one. Not four, one right after the other (I was angry about something and those oreos were right there, ready to comfort me).


OK, you get the idea.  Last week I retested and my result was.... 5.5!  Out of the prediabetic range.


Of course now I have to keep it up. 


So, thanks to all who nudged me toward more useful testing.  My doc did not discourage testing but didn't really give me any strategies.  Like most doctors, she started with "don't drink sweetened drinks" which is fine advice for people who drink them, but not for people like me whose sweetened drink consumption consists of a mocha a couple of times a year.   

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I am glad you are seeing postive results in tracking which foods affect you.  

Have you added daily exercise?  Exercise is also helping the body work properly.  For my dh (who is a type II diabetic-which he controls with low carb diet), the more he is able to get some daily exercise in the better for his blood sugar.

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I am glad you are seeing postive results in tracking which foods affect you.  

Have you added daily exercise?  Exercise is also helping the body work properly.  For my dh (who is a type II diabetic-which he controls with low carb diet), the more he is able to get some daily exercise in the better for his blood sugar.


Yes.  I was always a walker but added more walking to my routine.  I try to walk after every meal, when possible. 

Edited by marbel
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I have found a few things have helped me control blood sugar levels -


- never eat carbs alone - if you want a piece of fruit, eat it with some peanut butter or other protein.  (Stick to low glycemic fruits like berries - stay away from bananas, watermelon, etc.) 

- a small handful of nuts or seeds at night helps my fasting numbers to stay below 100

- adding testosterone (bio - identical cream) really dropped my numbers.  You can google the research.  I was going through menopause and added the hormones not knowing the testosterone would have an effect on my blood sugar - boy did it!

-stevia is an all natural sweetener that tastes great and helps lower blood sugar numbers


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