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Why does my thumb hurt?


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Ok, this is pathetic, but it has been going a couple days now. My right thumb hurts on the right side, where the nail and skin meet. It's mildly tender to light touch but painful when you apply pressure. I can't find any lacerations or skin cracks. Water makes it feel worse, but it might be the pressure. It does not wake me from sleep or throb. This has been going on for several days. I noticed it very actively yesterday and it has been more noticeable today, occasionally making me jump when something touched in the wrong way.


The only interesting data point I have is that I was boxing (yes) Thursday night and we did some sparring into each others gloves. Not sparring but just jabs and cross into the other person's fits. My hands were sweaty, and the person I was paired with didn't have full mitts but had on the thinner gloves. I was in the full boxing gloves the Y provides.


Is it possible I have an infection? I'm having trouble seeing differences. I even took some pictures. https://flic.kr/s/aHskZcQfob  


Did I just do so much that my finger is sore and it's as simple as that? Or am I being filled with dreadful boxing glove bacteria and needing to DO something? When I googled, I got carpal tunnel (don't think so), arthritis (don't think so), etc. Any ideas?


And yeah, whatever is going on, I think I need my own boxing gloves. I'm realizing that's kinda gross to share something where you're so sweaty. 


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Nothing in the pictures looks bad to me. Signs of infection are redness, swelling, heat, and pain. You only have pain, correct?


No idea why it hurts. Could you have forgotten about pulling off a hangnail?


I would probably do warm to hot saltwater soaks and peroxide it for a few days and see if it gets better.


Obviously if it gets worse, go have it looked at.


Hope you're feeling better soon!

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Thanks, I wondered about some kind of soak! I just made the saltwater, so we'll see how that goes. Won't be able to type for a bit. How long to do it? 15 minutes? 30? An hour??

10-15 minutes is enough. When the water starts to cool off, you are done. If it helps, do it 2-3 times a day.

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Thanks ladies! It does feel a little better. I don't know if it actually did anything or was just very relaxing, but I'll take it. Think I'll do that a few more times to see if it will go away completely.


And no, I don't think I had a hangnail. It's kind of that area, but it extends out to the surface. 


I'll keep doing the soaks and see how it goes, thanks! :)

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