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logic for a 5th grader

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We liked the puzzle books recommended in TWTM. The only flop we had was trying to use the red herring one with one kid. It's best with two or more.


I'd still hold off on formal logic until closer to 7th-8th. It's more about the developmental level being ready to get the most out of it than skill level. Our favorites are by Classical Academic Press. Their Art of Argument could work for savvy 6th graders.

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We haven't used it yet...but we plan to use the Memoria Press logic curriculum when the time comes.  Actually, I somewhat lean towards enrolling the kids in the Memoria Press online class since logic just seems like something that would be ideal to discuss/practice in a group setting.

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My 5th grader is using Prufrock Press books. She alternates between Logic Liftoff and the 3rd level of Logic Safari. Most people say to start with Logic Countdown no matter the age, but from the samples I went with Liftoff. It was challenging at first but she got the hang of it pretty quickly.


There is a good list somewhere on this board of logic games. We've had fun trying some of those too.



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