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Memoria Press Latina Christiana -- question


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So...I picked up a Latina Christiana Book II Teacher Manual, Student Book (brand new), instructional DVD set, and pronunciation CD for $2.  Yes, $2.  I figured it would let me look over what the Memoria Press Latin is like in person and I will just pass it on if I didn't like it.


From looking at their website, I know that aren't doing Book I and Book II anymore.  Can anyone who has used this older set tell me whether it was just Book 1 and Book II before moving onto First Form Latin?  Also, would this be Book 1 https://www.rainbowresource.com/proddtl.php?id=LC1SET&subject=Foreign+Language/15&category=Latina+Christiana+%28Gr.+3-8%29/5020 ??? 


We are new to Latin (heading into 7th grade) and I'm planning to do GSWL over the summer.  What are your thoughts on the Memoria Press Latin progam?


I also picked up the Cambridge Latin Course Unit 1 https://www.amazon.com/Cambridge-Latin-Course-North-American/dp/0521004349 for $5.  This included the textbook, TM, Stage Tests, and workbook.  Again, I figured it would let me see what it was like for cheap.  This is the program that our local Classical private school uses (starting in 6th grade, I believe).  Any thoughts on this too?


Thanks so much!


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Yes, it used to be do bk 1, then 2, then go onto Henle. 


I have used the book 1 and 2 and then I still put my child into First Form. She was young enough that she still had plenty of time to do the Form Series before high school. With my other child she went on the new rotation, doing LCI then going straight into First Form.  The reason I did 2 is because we had a high schooler doing it with us. He was going to be graduating the next year, and he was going to get more grammar with LCII than just one year of First Form which only covers the first two declensions. So we just did a year of that before he graduated, then the rest of the class went to First Form as they were all younger. 


LCII just covers a lot of grammar pretty quickly. The Form series breaks it down and really drills it over several years so that when you get to Henle (now with Fourth Form) and all of the translations, they have a lot of the grammar really drilled into them. 

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So is it safe to say that if you did do LC 1 & 2

You could skip Forms 1-3 ?? Especially as an adult doing it? (I have always wanted to learn it and was actually considering purchasing a Latin course next year).


You could. It still doesn't cover as much grammar as 1-3 does eventually. There is a lot of grammar in the Forms that wasn't covered in LCII. But it will give you enough of an overview, and Henle is a beginner course. It explains as you go too. For kids, if you have time, I would stick to the Forms. They go more in depth and explain it all so well giving plenty of practice. 

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You could. It still doesn't cover as much grammar as 1-3 does eventually. There is a lot of grammar in the Forms that wasn't covered in LCII. But it will give you enough of an overview, and Henle is a beginner course. It explains as you go too. For kids, if you have time, I would stick to the Forms. They go more in depth and explain it all so well giving plenty of practice. 


So, what would you start with for 7th graders new to Latin?

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So, what would you start with for 7th graders new to Latin?


Straight into First Form. Read some of the Famous Men of Rome or something alongside for some history and culture from the time.


ETA... But that is only because I only know MP. You have other selections there that others can help you with. I just don't know anything about the other programs. At my co-op, a new 7th grader would just jump into First Form with us. 

Edited by 2_girls_mommy
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So is it safe to say that if you did do LC 1 & 2

You could skip Forms 1-3 ?? Especially as an adult doing it? (I have always wanted to learn it and was actually considering purchasing a Latin course next year).


I think they had a "bridge" to Second Form after LC2. It taught some of the "perfect" forms that First Form taught that weren't in LC2. I don't know if they would still send it to you or not, but if you needed it, you could always try to call & ask. Memoria Press has always had excellent customer service when I've called them. (Martin Cochran answered the phone once!) 


So, what would you start with for 7th graders new to Latin?


Getting Started with Latin (quickly) and then straight into Wheelocks or Henle, depending on what you are looking for in a Latin program. You'd just go as slow (or fast) as the kid needed.

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