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horizons math 3rd grade--how long/how much?


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My ds7 is in Horizons 3 and we do 1 page a day 4x a week. That way if we get a little behind we can make up whatever we need to on Friday. I am considering having him switch to half a page a day though. He is a year ahead already and with his ADHD kicking in right now he is taking over an hour to complete one page. It's not due to ability - math is his easiest subject - he's just do distracted!


I do not supplement because in many threads that have discussed Horizons moms have shared that doing Horizons all the way through has more than prepared their dc for higher levels of math.


Hope that helps.

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We are only on lesson 10, but so far, it takes my son 10 min. front and back. We then work with manipulatives, i.e. clocks, money, etc...I print out different worksheets, and we also do a lot of Abeka warmups for extra practice. I'm sure as we move ahead it will take my son longer. We've done Horizons since Kindergarten, so he's really used to the format.

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Horizons Math 3:


Dd8 does 1 page (front & back) per day, 5 days a week. I do not use the teacher's guide nor the supplemental worksheets. She completes this on her own in approx. 15 - 20 minutes. Occasionally she asks me to explain something to her, but ordinarily she does Horizons independently.


Singapore Math 3a/3b:


We use the textbook & workbook. I teach a lesson from the textbook 1 day and dd does the corresponding workbook the following day. We do this M - Th and it generally takes 15 - 20 minutes also.


Last, dd does a timed math facts sheet of 100 facts daily. This takes 5 min.


I do think Horizons is a stand-alone math program. However, I like the mental math strategies that Singapore offers. Since my dd grasps math concepts pretty easily, we're able to incorporate 2 programs into our daily schedule without sacrificing another subject.

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My ds does one page (front and back) 5 days a week. Sometimes I do not make him do all the problems if he clearly understand the concept. On those days we have done 2 pages (front and back). Horizons doesn't seem to need any supplementation. I've hear it prepares children very well for the higher grades in math.:001_smile:



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How many pages does your student do a day? How long does your dc spend on each horizons page (front & back)?


If you combine or supplement with another program (like singapore) how many pages a day of each does your dc do?




Just for a different perspective, we did the entire lesson most days but it took us at least 45 min. to an hour. Sometimes I cut out a few problems, but we mostly did it all. Horizons 4 seems faster, for some reason.

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We complete one page (front and back) per day. I usually do not cut out any problems because I feel it is good practice. I spend about 15 minutes teaching and drilling the math concepts outlined in the TM for that particular lesson and it usually takes my son about 30-40 minutes to complete the worksheet. I schedule 1 hour for math 4 days per week. We only do drill work on Fridays.

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