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PAH AP English Language

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I know several people have been very happy with Lilli Serbicki.  I contacted her last year when dd was considering her class and she responded immediately and was very helpful. Dd ended up taking it with Maya Inspektor because she couldn't make the live lecture portion of Ms. Serbicki's class, and although it wasn't required, dd didn't feel comfortable missing it.

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Ds is taking it with Kathryn Walker.  I am very pleased.  I chose her b/c I wanted the live component.  She is organized and personable.  I feel like all the assignments have a purpose and she gives good and thorough feedback on the papers.  I am particularly impressed that she had a baby the second week of class and didn't seem to miss a beat (her 4th!).

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We love Blue Tent English Classes. If you search on this site you will find many reviews about Blue Tent & Brigid Thompson. My DD is enrolled in Brigid's AP Language class next year and she loved her Honors English 2 Class this year. It looks Blue Tent AP Language is also full but it doesn't look like there is anyone on the waitlist yet. I have heard in the past that being first on the waitlist is a good place to be....could give it a try? Good luck! You register on the tuition page but here is a description of the class:



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