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Oh man, what a morning


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Last night our dog was hanging out on our bed having a nap. She sleeps in her kennel, so when i was ready for lights out I told her to hop down and go to bed. She started downstairs and I grabbed my robe. It took me a second, but when I got down there to lock up the house, she was ready for her treat and her cave.


At some point between her leaving and my arriving, she managed to dash under the dining room table and leave a sneaky little poo. I have no idea why! She'll do it every once in a while when it's pouring rain--being in AZ she's confused by rain--but I don't know what got into her. Laziness I guess, annoying dog. Ugh.


The next morning, the roomba went off on schedule at 6:30am. I'll bet you can guess what I spent the first hour of my day doing?



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This reminds me of the first review on the roomba on Amazon. Here is a link if anyone needs a good laugh today. The review gives the roomba 5 stars and the post is titled "Love it with a with a caveat"



Edited by CaliforniaDreaming
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Are you kidding me? So this is a thing, then. I've never used the scheduler before--this was the first week. I thought it would be nice to get a head start as I made coffee in the morning. The next edition needs a feces sensor.


I'm still not too friendly with the dog today.

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:glare:  :blink:  :ack2:  :angry: 


 so, she got a treat for it.  :lol: 


I'm sorry. That is just so disgusting. Our dog refuses to go outside when it rains but she holds it for HOURS, unless accompanied outside with reassuring, encouraging words. 


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Read this one. Apparently this is happening a lot lately. This one is so well told, though, I laughed so hard I cried... the Pooptastrophe. The poohpocalypse. The pooppening. :lol:


You are apparently in good company - sorry!!

Oh gross. Mine wasn't THAT bad, thank goodness. I suppose I should count myself lucky it was tile.

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:glare: :blink: :ack2: :angry:


so, she got a treat for it. :lol:


I'm sorry. That is just so disgusting. Our dog refuses to go outside when it rains but she holds it for HOURS, unless accompanied outside with reassuring, encouraging words.

Hahahaha! Right! Didn't think of that!


I've never actually seen her do it. I think she's hoping I'll think it's the cat.

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