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If you were to compress the four-year history cycle into three years...

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...where would you start and stop each year? 


In spite of our best intentions, we've never managed to really complete a chronological history cycle. I'd like to make this last good effort now and take our time with the lit and discussion. As much as I'd love to dedicate four full years, I need a US history year (and we'll run US Gov't and Econ as electives that year as well). 


So how would you break up the history cycle so it would fit into three years? I was thinking Ancients-500 CE, 500 CE-1600 CE, 1600 CE to now. Does that seem reasonable, or is there some better way to do it? 



Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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I would break it according to my student's interests. If student wants to dwell on one subject, make another year cover more time in less depth.

Also, you do not need to carve out a separate year for US but can cover that along with world history.


Thanks, I never actually thought of that. Great point!


I feel kind of ridiculous saying this, but I don't think I can cover US history along with the rest of world history and do it justice. And I suspect that that last year will be DE, so I was thinking it would be better to plan for a self-contained US history credit if that happens so it doesn't disrupt the rest of the world history cycle. 


Regentrude, I saw in a few other threads that you taught USH in the Context of WH 1 and 2. How exactly did you do that? Do you have a syllabus or loose plan you can share, or did you just wing it as you went along? My linear brain is having trouble envisioning how I would manage it. I really do better with boxes *sigh*

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I don't have a syllabus. We always wing it - I have a pile of resources and we use however much we can finish.

We just covered the US history in parallel with the world history since 1500.

Sorry to be of no help.


Ha! No problem, you did actually help me look at the issue in a different way and at least resolved my wondering about whether there was some magical resource out there I should have asked about :D

Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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fwiw, none of the schools that listed US history as a requirement had a problem with dd's 4 years of world history. 


We did get one phone call from an admissions office suggesting that breaking it out would increase her chances  - this call came AFTER dd had been accepted with full scholarship  :lol:

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