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looking for a writing program


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I think I'd like to introduce a writing specific program into or homeschool but am not sure where to start. I don't want anything to intense just an add on to our current english program. Not too expensive but willing to spend some money.

Any recommendations?


What are you using already?

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I think I'd like to introduce a writing specific program into or homeschool but am not sure where to start. I don't want anything to intense just an add on to our current english program. Not too expensive but willing to spend some money.

Any recommendations?


Writing Strands.

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I switched to the laptop and now I see your signature. (Mobile users don't see siggies.) So a 3rd grader and a 5th grader who've only used CM type writing? 


Treasured Conversations starts with simple copywork and builds up to making solid paragraphs. They could both do it, but I'd keep lessons separate so the 5th grader can go ahead at their own speed; the beginning will be easy for the older one and you'll probably want to move quickly. This one can double as your grammar for the year.

Wordsmith Apprentice is written for grades 4-6. It has a cub reporter theme. The DC starts at the bottom of a newspaper office and works up through all the various tasks as they go along. It starts with basic grammar and ends with simple essays ("columns").


Writing & Rhetoric from CAP is based on the progymnasmata and starts with retelling a story. They could both start at the beginning, but again, let the older one move at his own pace.


Primary Lessons in Language and Composition (little one) and School Composition (big one) are both vintage texts by Maxwell that you can download for free. We've really enjoyed these!

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I used to love Zaner Bloser writing materials for that age.  Unfortunately, they don't have what we used anymore.  It looks like they have two other writing series now though -- Strategies for Writers and I Read to Write.  You can check them out here: 







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We LOVED WritShop Primary/Junior! The only reason we aren't continuing with it is because I bought K12 LA for this year.



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Sorry I forgot to add the ages and current english program. The youngest is almost 9 and in about 3rd grade and the oldest is 10 and in about 4th/5th grade. Last year we used WWE and this year are giving ELTL a try. They both do copy work almost daily at this point and get some grammar lessons from ELTL. Just thinking i'd like to supplement especially for my oldest.

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