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Advising policy for no shows. Update in #8.

Night Elf

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Dd missed her advising appointment this morning because she overslept. She's not allowed another appointment. Instead, there are two walk-in days during actual registration for no shows. They are only 7:00am to 8:00am. I'm assuming that's the times and dates for only that one advisor because I can't imagine a campus being that big having only two hours available for all students who missed their appointments. The advisement flag must be lifted before she's allowed to register. Does your school or child's school have this policy? What happens if she can't get into one of those two hours? When will she be advised? During the summer? She'll get a terrible schedule but she has to be in school, period. There's obviously nothing she can do to make this better. She's stuck waiting until registration. I'm just upset. They won't let her be advised by anyone else. It has to be that one lady in the general undergraduate advising office.

Edited by Night Elf
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In our school, advising is done in departments where the student majors. A student who misses his signed up appointment must contact the advisor and request an extra appointment to be advised before he is able to register. When that happens depends on the advisor's schedule. In our department, we are fairly accommodating and won't make them jump through extra hoops.


Has she contacted the advisor directly and asked?

Edited by regentrude
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No,my childrens' schools are not like that. They are responsible for setting up the appointment, and if either person misses, The person who missed is responsible for contacting and rescheduling. Its no different than a doctor's appointment.

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She's at UGA. The advising for general education is done by general advisors. You aren't advised by the department in the first couple of years. She has one assigned advisor that she must see. I wish she could go to her department. I guess I could have her contact them and ask but I worked there 30 years ago and the policy was the same.

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Our school only requires an adviser's approval the first semester. After that, students can register online if they want, and most do unless there is some specific question. Once you have the list of required classes and then the list of options, it's pretty easy to choose from those. Does she know what classes she wants? I would go with a list ready on that day (perhaps with a couple of alternates in case classes close)--she may just need a signature and could then go register.


If she has questions, could she meet with one of her current instructor's in her major? (I always learned way more from one of my instructors than from my adviser--I actually still keep in touch with that instructor 30 years later but couldn't tell you the name of my adviser!)

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Ds's college never required an advisor's signature and he has never met with his for scheduling. I do like the way they assign advisors though. Freshmen are all required to take a 1 hour "Core" class and the teacher of that class is their advisor until they request an advisor in their major or for the first year. Students can request an advisor in their major at any time and ds has one for each major, but if they don't request one, they are assigned one at the end of freshman year.


Dd had an advisor in her major from the beginning, but I think this is just because she is a nursing major. There is a general advising center and I wouldn't be surprised if they are harsh about missed appointments. No one would ever miss more than one if it put them at the end of the enrollment line.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update: Her advisor emailed her saying she had some appointments available March 21st, so she could have one of those instead of waiting for the walk-in advising. She has an 8:00am appointment. Hopefully she won't sleep late this day. She has a Calculus test at 9:05 so she said she should have no problem getting up.

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