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Does Obama support the right to homeschool?

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Too bad. As much as I enjoy the political discussions, I certainly have not missed the disrespect and hostility. I am really enjoying this conversation. I hope it can stay civil.



Bless your heart, you must have misunderstood me! Oh dear! I can assure you *I* meant no disrespect to the Giant Pink Unicorn, nor the CO Bar & Grill. Not at all.


Cheers! :D

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You seem to misunderstand. I have no doubt that some bill existed. But without the text of the bill and its specific history I cannot make an informed evaluation. As much information as possible helps when trying to find a state bill from over 10 years ago that may not even have made it to a committee vote. I was not being facetious when I wrote:



Any information you can supply would be greatly appreciated.


In addition, I wonder if it's possible that he wasn't the sponsor of the bill, but rather a name on a list of people to call, or the head of the education committee? I know here in NJ, we're mounting a call-and-letter campaign against a bill that was recently introduced, but our focus is not on the sponsors of the bill. Instead, we were asked to hammer on the committee members and especially the chairs in an effort to prevent the bill from making it out of committee. Maybe you recall his name from something like that? The only legislation (or attempts at such) I could find reference to that had anything to do with education from that general time period (1997-1999) was related to vouchers for private schools, computers in public schools, and a smear campaign having something to do with sex ed for kindergartners (later proved to be false).


I think you can be pretty sure that all of us, supporters and opponents alike, would be eager to know more about the bill you're referring to. I know I would.

Edited by melissel
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I find it hard to think that a man that supports the UN Convention on the rights of a Child would be too supportive of homeschooling. I agree that we ultimately won't know which way he leans until he gets into office but if he supports this UN bill it might find us having a hard time homeschooling. I know also that just supporting this bill does not make that outcome a certainty but it provides the possibility and I would prefer that not to happen. Mr. Obama certainly wants the government be more involved in people's life and the more government gets into peoples lives the harder it is for us. Many states have had hs laws that have been very successful through the years and as our numbers grow we have seen more restrictive bills being introduced by our legislators. I know where Mr. McCain stands on homeschooling but I find it hard to believe Mr. Obama would support us given his propensity for the government to involve themselves in our lives.

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Bless your heart, you must have misunderstood me! Oh dear! I can assure you *I* meant no disrespect to the Giant Pink Unicorn, nor the CO Bar & Grill. Not at all.




Well, as long as no pink unicorns are being disrespected, only WTM members, I guess it's ok.

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Well, as long as no pink unicorns are being disrespected, only WTM members, I guess it's ok.



Well now! :001_huh: I certainly meant no disrespect to Tibbyl either. But I'm sure she knows that. She's quite lovely that way.


Cheers! :)

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Well now! :001_huh: I certainly meant no disrespect to Tibbyl either. But I'm sure she knows that. She's quite lovely that way.
Tibbyl is quite lovely, isn't she?
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I think it's also a real stretch to look at his public record and say that he's anti-homeschooling. Any candidate with the endorsement of the NEA knows that it would be halfway to political suicide to then come out with a big fat pro-homeschooling statement.


And I just don't understand why having an exhaustive plan for our educational system means that he's automatically anti-HSing :confused: Are not the vast, vast majority of the children in this country in the public school system? Is it not, in many ways, failing them all? Do you really think the whole thing couldn't USE an exhaustive plan to make it better? Heck, many of us here have children IN that public school system. Don't we want a candidate who wants better for them too? I'm just really mystified here. IMO, Obama proclaiming his stance in a book written before he was even a candidate means as much as McCain proclaiming his on the campaign trail.


Personally, I just don't see any Republican or Democrat making HSing a pet cause. I'm sure it's something they're happy to have handled at the state level, the same way the school systems are for the most part. I really don't think we are more than a blip on the radar screens of any mainstream presidential candidate.


You're misinterpreting so much of my post, I just don't have time to address it all. You have several straw men arguments that you are arguing against (i.e. no one ever said that having a plan for public schools means that he's anti-homeschooling; no one said that he has an anti- homeschooling record, etc). I'm not going to take the time to debate points that were never made in the first place.



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