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Middle school math


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DD 11 is in Singapore 5a. We used RS initially but switched to Singapore early on and have supplemented with Math Mammoth when needed (long division, fractions). I'm looking ahead to 6th grade and considering switching to MIF for three years of middle school. She is not mathy and struggles with every new concept. It takes lots of extra drill for her to solidify most new things and she absolutely prefers to know the formula rather than struggle with the concepts. I have also considered Saxon because of all the extra drill and traditional style of teaching and practicing.


I feel like these next three years will really be important to set her up for success in high school. So what to do. MIF? Saxon? Something else entirely?

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MM's 7th grade program *is* pre-algebra. If you want her to slow down and do another year of elementary math in 7th grade, you could maybe do MEP's middle school program, which is really nicely broken down - the 7th and 8th grade program? Or just find another program and do the 6th grade year. Or Saxon... I just think... even if it was a struggle, doing a program as drill and kill as Saxon after doing Singapore may be both overkill and crushing. Or not. Some kids like the repetitiveness of the program. I'm just thinking that if she could get through Singapore, then she's not doing that badly.


Keep in mind that a lot of concepts are reviewed and taught in pre-a - things like integers, exponents, etc. get a from scratch treatment in most programs. Pre-a sounds grown up but it's not that grown up. Of course, she may really need an extra year of practice before starting that.



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Ok this is helpful. So should I switch her to MM for 6th, or finish out Singapore in 6th and then switch her to MM in 7th? I've heard that Singapore 6 is not too intimidating. She would probably like that. Would she be well enough prepared for MM in 7th if we just finished out Singapor? She does ok with Singapore, but like I said, needs lots of extra practice. I do often have to talk her through the word problems, too.

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My dd is in MIF 6 right now and my older dd used Singapore PM 6 8 years ago.  Obviously, MIF is freshest in my mind, but I remember thinking that SM 6 was getting difficult (after using Singapore from Earlybird on), especially 6b.  MIF is difficult, IMO.  My dd has been through MIF since the middle of 3rd grade, and I understand the program well enough to teach her.  So, it's going fine/well.  There isn't a lot of practice and it definitely needs more review to keep the material fresh -- it's too easily forgotten as they dive into the next topic.  Personally, even though I'm a firm believer in the value of the Singapore approach, we're probably changing to a more traditional pre-algebra for 7th, algebra for 8th, etc. instead of continuing with MIF for 7th-8th.


Since you describe your dd as needing more time and practice, I wouldn't choose MIF because it moves quickly and doesn't give a lot of practice or review.  I've only looked at MM, but, if I were you, I'd seriously look at it for 6th & 7th (or stay with Singapore for 6th).  From what I've read, MM is similar enough to SM that she'd probably have no problem switching, but it gives more "scaffolding" for new material and may give more practice.

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I used Holt's middle school math (courses 1-3) for my son and really like them. It is mastery based, with each lesson building on the previous. There is enough review in each lesson, plus cumulative review at the end of each chapter. The series (by Burger) was the basis for the Thinkwell program, but I liked to customize it myself.


My next kid is in MIF 5B and I am nervous about continuing with MIF. You are right that the review is limited. I use Math Minutes for basic review, but I need to be better about using the Extra Practice book to review old chapters. My son is doing well as we go, though, so maybe it's all ok. I just looked at the chapter in 5A with all those word problems about fractions of numbers and think he could use s review on that. I might end up moving over to Holt after all.

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I feel like MM has a lot of practice problems. Dd didn't do all the problems before level 7, unless she had trouble with a concept. We just started 7 and she is doing all the problems so far.


There are a lot of options available if you get to a place where she needs additional practice.

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