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dr hive...can you tell me what this might be?


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my dd 16, just started complaining of a pain in her right arm.  She says that when she touches her index finger, there is a pain about half way up her arm...a tiny bit between the finger and the spot...but mostly in that one spot.  


Is that a carpel tunnel thing?


She plays organ and sews....would these be related in anyway? 


any insight would be great appreciated. 



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It sounds like it may be nerve pain caused by repetitive motions.  Females are more prone to this because of our smaller wrists.  If it is a nerve problem, aggravating it can cause the pain to become constant.  Nerve pain is very hard to treat adequately.  A splint might help but I would see a doctor first who would probably refer to occupational health- they deal with hands and could suggest what she should do to stop the pain which may include a splint (either just at night or potentially all the time).

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Is it numb at all when she is using it?  Pain or soreness while using it or just when she touches it?  It might be the start of a repetitive motion thing.  Take some NSAIDS and try not to use it as much and to stretch it out. 


no numbness, no tingling sensations...just pain.  It just came on all of a sudden.  She woke up this morning and she was fine...then about 10 this morning she came to me and told me when she touches her index finger on the tip, there is a pain that goes all the way up her arm to about midway.   She did say that when she bent her finger this afternoon it also hurt.


I gave her a couple Motrin this afternoon....didn't seem to help much. 


What is NSAIDS?

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no numbness, no tingling sensations...just pain.  It just came on all of a sudden.  She woke up this morning and she was fine...then about 10 this morning she came to me and told me when she touches her index finger on the tip, there is a pain that goes all the way up her arm to about midway.   She did say that when she bent her finger this afternoon it also hurt.


I gave her a couple Motrin this afternoon....didn't seem to help much. 


What is NSAIDS?


Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatories 


I didn't realize that the pain is not just in one location.  This description sounds like nerve pain.  What I would do is to go to my chiropractor to make sure that a nerve isn't being impinged, as a first step. 

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I guess it mostly is in one place...but she says she can sort of feel it going up her arm..but the worst pain is at the ending point...midway up her arm.  Sorry for all of the confusion.


WE are supposed to get 5-8 inches of snow tonight....not going anywhere tomorrow...what can we do tonight....and tomorrow if the pain doesn't go away?

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Sounds like nerve compression somewhere. Might be something in the hands/wrists (like carpal tunnel) or might be originating in the neck/spine. Could even be something in the shoulder.


If it's in the hands/wrist, then a proper splint can help. The thing is, you have to know what you are dealing with to know what a proper splint is. For example, with carpal tunnel, a split will hold the hand angled up. With DeQuervain's syndrome, the preferred position is neutral with thumb immobilization. (It doesn't sound like DeQuervain's--that's just an example I am familiar with.) 


If it's the neck, NSAIDS and ice and good posture should help.

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Have her sleep on her stomach, wrist flat on the mattress above her pillow, fingers curled over the edge of the bed.  It's the same position a splint would keep her in, without the splint.  A night or two without also curling up her wrist at night might be all the rest she needs.

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