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Looking for no (or low) sodium options for Asian recipes ...


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My husband and I are trying to lower our sodium consumption, and we're looking for a no or low sodium option to replace soy sauce in Asian recipes.


I've seen the suggestion below which comes from this article: 10 low-sodium substitutes


"Soy and Teriyaki Sauce and Miso Paste Substitute

When a dish calls for soy, fish, oyster, or any other Asian-inspired sauce, look no further than your friend molasses. When combined with unseasoned rice-wine vinegar and other seasonings, the molasses mixture provides a satisfying replacement for marinades, mixes, and even teriyaki sauce — keeping the dark look and fermented taste of the original while cutting down the sodium.


Soy Sauce: More than 1,000 milligrams sodium per tablespoon


Teriyaki: 690 milligrams sodium per tablespoon


Oyster: 490 milligrams sodium per tablespoon


Molasses: 10 milligrams sodium per tablespoon, depending on brand"



Have you tried this?  Do you care to suggest other options?  Even the lower sodium varieties of soy sauce I've seen are heavy in sodium content.




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Thank you for the recipe, SparklyUnicorn.  We may give it a try.


We're not sure yet, Arcadia, quite how low we need to go as regards sodium content.  That said, the Soyaki sauce may still be too high for our purposes.  I'd considered using sesame oil as well.  We have Trader Joe's sesame oil on hand; do you prefer Kadoya?




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We have Trader Joe's sesame oil on hand; do you prefer Kadoya?

I grew up using Kadoya products so it is more of a habit than anything else. We have as many Chinese, Japanese and Korean supermarkets as Trader Joe's so it is easy for me to buy.


I skip soy sauce for Bulgogi as well and steam my salmon fillets, and my family doesn't mind. My dad has mild high blood pressure so he tries for a no sodium diet which is harder when eating out,

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Bulgogi is a favorite dish of ours since being introduced to it by my daughter who is now living and working in South Korea. Do you have a recipe you can share?

We cook by trial and error here and so it's not authentic Korean style.

The beef bulgogi, we use a recipe similar to this link. We just skip the soy sauce, use manuka honey (or any honey) instead of sugar, and use coke as the tenderizer. We also use more spring onions (green onions) to garnish then the person did.



For spicy pork bulgogi, we skip the soy sauce.

The Korean red pepper bean paste (gochujang) is quite high in sodium content. You can use red cayenne pepper or jalapeno pepper instead.


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