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S/O: Do you think relaxed hser's don't take their dc's education seriously?

Guest Katia

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I was asking forgiveness of the OP because I offended her. Believe me when I say I am not a judgemental person, despite how I might be coming across in this thread. :001_smile: I assure you that you are not the type of person I am talking about. You said that the entire world is open before your kids. That is not true with the kids I am talking about. They have very few doors open to them because no one is opening any doors. I don't believe every kid should go to college. I'm all about a child exploring the things that make them excited. Part of my job is to help get these kids thinking about what they want. But, it makes me sad that these kids have no ideas. They get to the age where they are making life decisions and they are limited in their choices by their lack of preparation. I'm not just talking academic preparation. They are not prepared with work ethic, or processing skills, or other things that they will need to take the next steps toward their future.


I could not personally do unschooling. It just isn't in me. But, I think unschooling is great for those who do it. I really don't expect everyone to agree with my way of doing things. It works for us. But, I still maintain that there is a difference between un-schooling and no-schooling.


I see where you're coming from now. I don't think we agree on what constitutes "value" in our kids' respective education, but I was understanding a sweeping generalization of all families where kids watch TV much of the day or have the freedom to play video games "all day". That is my family but I assure you I take my kids development VERY seriously. :)

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So I'm guessing that "relaxed" and uncaring go together more often than "intense" and uncaring.


But no, I don't think that all "relaxed" homeschoolers are bad.



I'm not so sure about that. Many of the "intense" homeschoolers I've ever met are very controlling, rigid people who dictate education to their children instead of taking the child's needs and interests into consideration. I would call that just as uncaring.


That said, I don't think all "intense" homeschoolers are bad.


Personally, I couldn't care less what anyone else does with their child's education. I'm really only concerned with my own child. It's the main reason I'm homeschooling in the first place. And I don't care what other people think about that.


If I may quote Peela, who said it so very well. "Many peoples' priorities are different to mine. "

Edited by Audrey
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There are also those who take the development of their children VERY seriously, to the point of constantly evaluating materials and constantly looking to provide academic opportunity, and also see the value of gaming and television play. There are those who would be (and probably are) horrified at my kids' "schedule". I am CONSTANTLY evaluating and re-evaluating and looking for opportunity to expose them to something new and interesting but there is very little book learning and no testing going on in our house.


I think that would fall under "things of that nature". Things other than television and video games while the teaching parent endlessly laments that for whatever reason he/she just can't seem to get his/her act together and do something....whatever that something might be.

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Oh! No. I don't think that. I think relaxed or not relaxed is much more about the parent's personality than their dedication to their children's education. I'm not relaxed about anything. :tongue_smilie:


If I dont' schedule and crack the whip (on myself mostly) I feel like I've lost control of my world.



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:iagree: Katia,


I agree with your style and eventhough I'm only in my 5th year of doing so, I'm a first time older parent and see things a bit differently.


Ditto to wrote you wrote. That is my style.


My opinion is this....a homeschooled child on a lesser productive day is still getting ALOT more education than a ps kid (generally speaking).


So, relax everyone. Maybe that's what the kids need too. There is so much STRESS period, why make it more difficult for a child to learn. There receive/retain more effeciently if they are relaxed!!! :001_smile:



In reading Jessica's thread about homeschooling as a job, I was surprised to read several posters that mentioned they were not relaxed homeschoolers and so took their children's education seriously.


This idea just really surprised me. I am a relaxed homeschooler. I've homeschooled for 15 years now. One dc has his BA (got a lot of academic scholarships in college) with his dream job, another dc is a freshman in college (was accepted to all five colleges she applied to) and I still have a high schooler at home.


Believe me, I took my children's education very, very seriously. I had a goal in mind and we worked towards that goal. Each child was different and each day was different, so we just didn't stress. As long as we were learning and moving ahead I was 'ok' with it. If we needed a day off; we took it. If we didn't finish the text at the end of the year, we just picked it back up when we started again, or moved on, whichever was most appropriate.


But.....to think that because I am relaxed others think I'm not serious about my children's education?


Wow. Just: Wow.


I am wavering between finding this line of thinking offensive or just plain elitist. Or uneducated. Or mis-informed. Or.....prejudiced.


Do others of you REALLY think this way? Believe that if someone homeschools differently than you do that they are not serious about their children's education?

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I live in an area where there are alot of unschoolers. I would love to be that type of homeschooler but I am not. I am also new to homeschooling and I am trying to work my way towards a more relaxed approach. My oldest is used to PS and gets stressed out if things are too relaxed..she just doesn't feel like she is learning anything. So, we use a more structured/list approach. But I have to say I have had people give me the stink eye and try to make me feel bad for NOT being an unschooler. I feel it is like cooking...at first you may need a recipe but eventually you will comfortable enough to "wing it" or do your own thing.

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